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I Peter 4:7-11

But the end of all things is at hand, therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. And above all things
have fervent love for one another , for love will cover a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another
without grumbling. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the
manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him
do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to
whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. AMEN.


Today we culminate our month long celebration of Harvest Festival. This is a celebration where we
express our gratitude to God for the bounty of His provision. Topics appropriate for seasons like this are

Thanksgiving and Good Stewardship are both expressions of gratitude.

Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude to someone who did you a favour or granted you a present. It
is also an acknowledgment and appreciation for something you received or yet to receive. Thanksgiving
is felt in the heart and is commonly expressed verbally. We express it in words - we utter it thru prayers,
thru songs, poems and the like. Sometimes also expressed in writing. Sometimes we reciprocate by giving

One of the traits of a Christian is being thankful and grateful always as the scripture says, “In everything
give thanks.” It is easy to be thankful when circumstances are favourable to us; when we get what we
want; when our desires are granted. But when things turn out contrary to our plans and desires, it seems
difficult to remain cheerful and thankful.

This is the true test of believers – how to maintain a thankful heart in the midst of a difficult and unwanted
situation. How can we praise God in a situation where it seems we cannot find Him? How can we say
“THANK YOU” while looking at our crops severely devastated by the typhoon?

The ability to be thankful despite undesirable situations is a measure of how much we trust God and how
committed we are at doing His will. When we’re able to say “Thank You” after a great lost just shows
that we trust that God is in control and that we believe that He is able to turn things for the good of those
who trust Him and do His will.

A person who is always thankful feels so blessed. When we learn to acknowledge every single good thing
we have or had happened to us, we will be able to discover how much God loves us and realize how
blessed we are. This gives us a feeling of joy and sufficiency , but if we have that attitude of focusing and
comparing ourselves with others, we will always end up feeling miserable, inferior, lacking and always in
dire need.

The opposite of being thankful is being ungrateful. This is usually conveyed by grumbling. Many of us
usually grumble especially when we don’t get what we want or we are asked to do a task, we don’t like.
Instead of being thankful for simple and little good things we have, we complain and wish we could have
more. Many of us Filipinos have the habit of complaining, but actually doing nothing. Many of us have
develop that habit of criticizing. It’s healthy to criticize when we’re able to present a better solution to
a problem or a brighter idea to that we criticize. But when we criticize just for the sake of opposing, we
are not being of help but are just worsening our situations. Grumbling is a sin, because we fail to
acknowledge God’s grace. It drives blessings away from us for it hurts the giver and the source of gifts
and favours. If you want to be blessed, keep a thankful heart, be appreciative of every good thing around,
avoid complaining and make the most out what you have in hand to glorify God.

Stewardship as we always hear, is the responsible management of something that belongs to someone
else. This is a more concrete expression of gratitude to someone who gave his trust to let you manage his
possessions. This is a more profound way of expressing thankfulness .

Stewardship is not only the careful management of finances, properties, time, talents and opportunities,
but of all of God’s grace. it is the totality of living our lives for God’s glory and purpose.

It expresses our obedience to God.

There are 4 things I would like us to remember when we talk of stewardship:

1. OWNERSHIP - that God owns everything. Unless we accept the reality that we own nothing except sin,
we can never be a good steward.

2. RESPONSIBILITY - that as stewards we must ensure responsible management of all of God’s grace. We
are given various responsibilities and roles to perform - in the world we live in, in our community, in our
neighborhood, in the church, in the work place and in our homes. We got various roles to play . Our
responsibility does not lie only to ourselves but to others as well.

3. ACCOUNTABILITY - that time will come the OWNER will return and will require us to give account of
all that He has entrusted us with.

4. REWARD - that when the owner returns He will reward those who have performed their responsibilities
and roles well and will judge those who performed poorly. What a joy to hear God say “well done you
good and faithful servant . You have been faithful with few , I will put you in charge of many more . Come
and share your Master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:21


1. The End is Near - we must always stay alert, get prepared and don’t waste time. It would be hard to
cram. It could already been late and all our efforts could already been useless. Be on guard.

2. Stay clear minded and self controlled so you can pray. Having a sound mind and being sober allow us
to make good and wise decisions and actions. They enable us to pray for right petitions .

3. Love each other deeply as love covers a multitude of sin.

4. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.

5. Use your gift to serve others, faithfully administering GOd’s grace in various forms

6. If anyone speaks, let him speak of God’s words. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God
provides, so that in all things GOd will be glorified thru Jesus Christ.

7. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. AMEN.

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