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Mahalia Espiritu

Ms. Jorgensen

English 10 H P5

8 October 2018

Into the Woods

Walking through the forest was something Aurealis liked to do when she wasn’t searching for

lost kids. The green of the trees was such a beautiful color around mid afternoon, which was

usually the time where she’d find little boys and girls wondering in. She and her mother would

constantly try to help these kids but there was no use, they would come in and never come back

out. The kingdom had dubbed them the “crazy kid eaters” and there were whispers that Aurealis

would boil the kids who were brave enough to make it to the cottage. That was the farthest from

the truth, but yet no one seemed to believe or care. As she made her way back home she saw two

little kids walking towards the cottage. Maybe just maybe Aurealis could help these poor kids get

back home. She ran to her back door and quickly got ready to welcome the kids in. Minutes later

there was a knock on the door and a set of twins, a boy and a girl, were standing there smiling.

They looked like every other kid that had showed up at Aurealis’ door: sweet and innocent yet

full of hope. It was rare for two kids to show up at the same time so she invited them in. Per

usual the kids had asked for directions to find a way out and Aurealis gave them some. It was the

safest way out: over the bridge and through the woods, to get to grandmother’s house. From

there she would lead you out. Grandmother had been living in the woods for as long as anyone

could remember. The kids had something to eat and then left. Aurealis has finally helped

someone and for once she slept well that night. What she didn’t know was that some wolf had
eaten Grandmother months ago. So sending those kids to Grandmother’s house might not have

been the BEST idea.

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