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Students interview

Interviewed Name: María José Méndez (2nd year of university studies)

Career: Biochemistry and Microbiology
1. What was your experience when you apply to the admission test?
i. I received the admission test at my school so It was really easy and I felt
capable to answer all of it.
2. How did you get prepared for the test and what did you need to enter the
i. Well, I think I get prepared all along at my school because they gave us a
document to prepare us to the exam.
3. Do you think this college is worth it?
i. I think it is really worth because they teach you really valuable things.
4. How was the admission process for you? Was it difficult? What do you think
that the college has to improve?
i. All the facilities are really well prepared with the adequate equipment.

Interviewed Name: Alessandra Girard (2nd year of university studies)

Career: Biochemistry and Microbiology
1. What was your experience when you apply to the admission test?
i. I think It was pretty good because it was really easy they only asked for my
grades and they gave me a studying plan for the exam.
2. How did you get prepared for the test and what did you need to enter the
i. You need grades with average above 80, I had to had a good grade at the
exam, the hardest part was to apply for the scholarship.
3. Do you think this college is worth it?
i. It is worth it, but from my point of view is really expensive. Besides that, I
think a good quality education.
4. How was the admission process for you? Was it difficult? What do you think
that the college has to improve?
i. The process was really easy; it was pretty mixed up because they confused
my exam with other student that was applying at the time. Some teachers are
experience less so you would expect more about them.
Interviewed Name: Jose Pablo Guerra (4th year of university studies)
Career: Electronics Engineer
1. What was your experience when you apply to the admission test?
i. I consider my experience was good, because I put under control all the stress
of the moment and at the end I entered in the university that I wanted.
2. How did you get prepared for the test and what did you need to enter the
i. There wasn´t any formal preparation, I only did the study guide that the
university provides, because the questions were very basic and with the
knowledge of the school was enough.
3. Do you think this college is worth it?
i. Yes, it is very worth it
4. How was the admission process for you? Was it difficult? What do you think
that the college has to improve?
i. The admission process was normal; I only think that it presents difficulties
when you present all the personal and academic documents, because you
have to wait till you finish school to receive your bachelor’s degree and all
of that, for everything else, all the documents required are very adequate, so,
you just have to measure your times on obtaining everything.

Interviewed Name: Alejandro Windevoxhel (4th year of university studies)

Career: Mechatronics Engineer
1. What was your experience when you apply to the admission test?
i. My experience was very good, I apply and came to the university relaxed,
that helped me to understand everything and have great results.
2. How did you get prepared for the test and what did you need to enter the
i. I only did the study guide for the admission test that the university requires
and study with that before the exam.
3. Do you think this college is worth it?
i. Yes, it is very worth it
4. How was the admission process for you? Was it difficult? What do you think
that the college has to improve?
i. The admission process was great, the difficult part was doing the Admission
test, but besides that, everything is normal, you just have to have patience
and give everything on time.
Interviewed Name: Eduardo Andrés Santizo Olivet (4th year of university studies)
Career: Mechatronics Engineer
1. What was your experience when you apply to the admission test?
i. My experience when I apply for the admission test, was very simple, I did
not require a lot of time to study or pay attention to all the documentation
that they require. I only arrived at the university with a little bit of
knowledge from school and other admission test, and did it.
2. How did you get prepared for the test and what did you need to enter the
i. The university gives a little instruction manual that you use to give an idea
about the test. This is only full of examples that you can use to prepare
3. Do you think this college is worth it?
i. Yes, the university is worth it. The education contains great quality and the
experience that you obtain is very valuable for international work.
4. How was the admission process for you? Was it difficult? What do you think
that the college has to improve?
i. As I answer before, my admission process was pretty simple and easy. I did
not payed much attention to it, because of my school studies, I just arrived
and did it without worrying about the results. Universidad del Valle de
Guatemala does not need to change.
Interviewed name:
Name of the interviewer:

Admission and administration people interview

Name: Joaquin Orlando Arredonde Ramos

In charge of: Admission assistant
1. What skills do I need for admission test?
a. The skills that you need for the aadmission process are: verbal reasoning,
logical reasoning, and a good redaction.
2. Is there any extra requirement that I can do to get accepted easier?
a. No,it does not any. You are only accepted in college with a score of 12000 or
more in the PAA test.
3. What documents do I need to present during the admission process?
a. A personal document with a photograph, oficial certificate of the school that
can prove that you have cursed all high school, DPI, birth certificate (if you
are less than 18), or Passport if you are foreigner.
4. Which aptitudes do I need to be in college? How can I be a good student?
a. Critical and analytical thinking, good communication, group work, solving
problems in an effective way. Use of technology, leadership and a great spirit,
look out for excellence in everything you do, research for different areas for
your knowledge, and keeep social relationships
Interviewed name: Chrarge:
Name of the interviewer:

Employers interview

Interviewed name: Julio Matute

Charge: Researching teacher at the biochemistry department
1. Do you like the facilities that the university has?
i. Yes, I mean they are adequate.
2. How did you get hired for your job?
i. My boss found me at the airport and she offered me a job in here.
3. What employers are looking for in order to hire you?
i. They are looking for different things, mostly for leadership, qualification,
your record because it is important to them know if you have the necessary
4. What skills do I need to get hired?
i. It depends in the job, because if you have a masters in archaeology they
would never hire at a biology lab.
5. What other aspects do you take into consideration to hire new students for a
i. You should have some sort of job experience and passion in a project.
6. Why would you recommend this college?
i. Yes, because the teachers are good, sometimes there is stuff to be decided
about the equipment but otherwise it is one of the best schools in central
America if not the best.

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