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My most cherished project that I have accomplished would have to be a BBQ.

am a welder, it is something I love to do and will continue to do throughout my life.

Currently my best project I have build is a bbq, I’m currently finishing it up at this

moment. It is an extensive project that takes skill and time. The biggest challenges

would be the awkward positions in which I am welding. Another would be the very long

welds that have to be done to join two parts together.

When thinking of an accomplishment, you think of something that you have done

that you feel is great. This certainly makes me think of welding. I am always building

things. From windmills to fences or even BBQ’s. It is all the same to me just different

time spans to finish each one. Yea some are very challenging but nothing is easy in life.

If we focus on solely the BBQ it is something that someone will want and cherish as

their own. Something that will be used by someone. Making this project even more

meaningful. The fact that I’m building something that someone will cherish and like very

much. An item where people will choose to buy out of all the other ones. It is just

something that I find is very amazing. I love doing what I do for various reasons, but one

of the main reasons is because I can say I built that. Just being able to do something of

that extent is amazing. I mean think about it who truly has the ability to do things like

that. I’m sure there's plenty of other people like me in the world, but I’m just happy that I

can do it.

Focusing more on my BBQ, it’ll be going into auction. Well there's actually two

options, it’ll go into auction or it’ll be given to someone who personally reached out to

us. Either way my project will end up with someone who truly wants it and will put it to
great use. For that reason on it’s own is why I love doing what I do. So as of right now

my BBQ is my greatest accomplishment in my opinion. Others may disagree, but to me

it is which in the end is what truly matters.

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