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Transcripts, a that got your attention.

Well the truth is transcripts are everything

nowadays. It is their life, their next move for the future. This indeed with attendance

means a lot in the education world. Both combined creates like this tag for colleges to

look and choose their students. The brutal truth is most of us do fall into that trap and it

tends to be everything.

Now after looking at mine, it truly shows how much I was slacking. I could’ve

done so much more, although I decided to not give it my full potential. One part of me is

like wow why did I do this. I had a chance to be one of the smartest and I blew it. I blew

it all because I decided to miss and not give it my best. That’s the sad truth about my

reflections. Although, I didn’t fall too behind to where it affected my life heavily. It

basically made a shift from one career to another. A shift which actually isn’t too bad, in

fact it is really great. The shift was one from brains to hands on career. Both which I

wouldn’t mind doing one bit. I have such a passion for both. Although, I will always keep

my brains path in mind. It is just something with technology that just attracts it to me.

There is always time to go back and get on track with my technology career. It’s never

too late.

After noticing how much I’ve slacked, I decided to pick it up and finish of high

school strong. I ended off third quarter with straight A’s. Furthermore, my attendance is

well above a ninety percent. Which is great, not only will this allow me to walk on

graduation day but the college can see how much work I can truly put in. I will continue

to work this hard until my goals are reached. Life is something that wasn’t meant to be

easy or to have handouts in. It was meant for you to get up and get what you want in
life. Hoping to end of second semester with straight A’s my transcript and attendance

will look much much better. In a sense where college will be able to see that I have the

potential to be there as long as I set my mind to it.

In the end my transcript and attendance may not be the best but, it is good

enough to work with. It is enough for people to notice that hey he can actually do it. I

truly just have to want to do it to get it. Once that happens well it’s most likely going to

happen. I like to reach my goals. I love to be able to say I got myself here.

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