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Pride Sample

I have been in public school for 2 years almost. My junior year and senior year, I

have attended Merced High School. Before that, I was homeschooled from 5th grade to

my Sophomore year. Accomplishing things on home studies is not as easy as it is to do

in public school. It is less competitive since you hardly ever see your other classmates. I

accomplished things in elementary school, but that was far back.

The one thing that I have accomplished and been able to maintain throughout

high school ,and even before, is good grades. I have worked very hard to maintain what

I have, only having one C throughout all of the years that I have been in school. School

has been very hard, especially junior year. They were times where I didn’t think that I

was going to be able to keep what I have maintained for years, but I did. I still continue

to try my hardest to make sure that my grades stay good.

As senior year is coming to an end, I can honestly say that it has began to get

harder to keep good grades. Procrastination kicks in like it never has before and as

much as I want to keep doing what I have it is very hard. Especially having a job and

going to school senior year. A lot of people warned me about “senioritis” and I didn’t

think that it would get that bad but I was definitely wrong.

As it gets closer to the end, the more important it is to keep what I have worked

so hard for, all of my school years. Knowing that it will all be worth it in the end and how

happy I have been to do so throughout school keeps me going to the end. With less

than 20 days left, it is vital for me to keep doing what I have been doing.

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