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Before I met Mr. Muro I was a troubled student.

I was fighting, ditching class/school, not doing

any school work, being disrespectful, etc. I didn’t know who he was until I got into a fight my

freshman year and that was bad timing to meet him. Mr. Muro and I had a talk after my

altercation and he was explaining to me that what I did wouldn’t be worth it in the future. I did

have to go to an anger management class which really helped me and let me see the wrong I was

doing. If I never met him I wouldn’t be so worried about graduating or doing something with my

life I honestly feel like if it were up to me I wouldn’t be here right now writing this, I’d be a

dropout and possibly have children already. I honestly thank Mr. Muro he was like a guardian

angel waiting for me to come to him for help. Mr. Muro’s character is something I have needed

these past four years to keep me pushing forward. He is so funny yet serious at the same time he

wants to see his children do something with their lives and pursue their dreams. He’s very

helpful with everything whether it’s helping with finding community service hours for you,

telling you to catch up on attendance or even just to check up on how you are doing. He cares

about all his students here at MHS and I can see that. He’s helped me by giving me community

service hours, having one on ones with me about my future and even with my financial state.

Recently I talked to him and explained that I wanted to walk the stage with a purple cord so he

had told me he had some things I could do for him to earn my hours. He has also assisted me

with help that has to deal with problems at home that were personal. I trust Mr. Muro with a lot

because he has shown me he can take on my problems and help me find ways to solve them. My

life today is ten times better than it was in 2015. Mr. Muro is a very positive person in my life

that I am very glad I met. I'm glad I met him because he has pushed me further to want to go

towards my career which is becoming an EMT. He has a big impact on my future I think because
of how far and hard he has pushed me to get here where I am today, a 3.0 GPA and good grades.

I am very thankful for people like Mr. Muro he didn’t have to help me, he wanted to and that

makes me happy just thinking about it because he could’ve just given up on me and he didn’t.

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