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The Augustan Age: George I, Sir Walpole and the Jacobites

George I was a member of the German House of Hanover that spoke no English or spent much time
in England and an unpopular king as he showed little interest in England, which is why the
Parliament was left to rule.

Robert Walpole regarded as the first prime minister of England, came to power to bring financial
stability back contributing to the growth of manufacturing industries, commerce and agriculture.

During his time, the Catholics held two rebellions that failed because of the lack of support from the
people, trying to restore the throne to the exiled catholic, James Stuart.

The Late Victorians

Thomas Hardy’s most famous novel, Tess of the d’Urbervilles was characterised by bleak fatalism.

Through his novels, Henry James, has anticipated the modernist movement of the 20th century.

Robert Louis Stevenson became popular for his adventure novels such as Treasure Island.

Rudyard Kipling, the author of The Jungle Book, focuses on the theme of the native who is forced to
adapt to western civilisation.


The Aesthetic movement started in the 1870s with the Pre-Raphaelites.

It saw beauty and art as being above all else.

Oscar Wilde was a representative of this movement in English literature.

Britain in 1945

By the end of the second world war, Britain was no longer a world power, Nato and the European
economic community were created.

America stepped in to help Europe economically.

Britain’s colonies started to demand independence.

The contries that chose to remain affiliated with Brtain is now known as The British Commonwealth.

The Cold War

After the fight against Nazism was over, capitalism in the Us and communism in Rusiia were born.
Up to the first world war

During Edward VII’s reign, social and political changes took place, the labour party entered the house
of Commons for the first time.

The Health and Insurance act was introduced. To protect workers.

Britain’s most important industries began to suffer a decline.

The First World War

Germany’s empire began to expand and Britain was faced with the threat of war.

Britain declared war on Germany on the 4th of august 1914 and allied France and Russia.

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