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I define leader as a very strong willed person who looks after his people or followers, he

is a person that helps out and is active in his own community. Three words that I would choose
to describe a leader is brave, influential, kind hearted. A leader has to be brave for problem
solving and making right decisions during times of stress or frustration. A leader needs to be
influential in order to have supporters, or followers. A leader needs to be kindhearted to the
people that support and care about him, and also the people who don't. He needs to set an
example for future generations. Everyone has their on personal morals and values, there are
many things that I value in life. I value my family because I would not be here today without
them and they always support me. I value my time in school because not everyone around the
world is as lucky as me to be able to go to school with the many opportunities at my hand. I
value my friends because they are always there for me when I can count on them. Three things
that I could say I am really good at is being patient, hardworking, and social. I am very calm in
most situations and I never jump to conclusions. I may not be as intelligent but I always put
100% into the work that I do. I like to stay social and am very good at making new friends. One
class that I always looked forward to was film. I am a huge movie lover and binge watcher. I
have seen many movies and the aspect of filmmaking has always captivated me.

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