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1) Write one (1) sentence in continuous present tense taken from the video =

she is shivering the cold.

2) Write one (1) sentence in continuous past tense taken from the video=

In 2013 monarchs covered less than 2 acres = in 2013 monarchs were covering less than 2

3) Write three (3) sentences in present continuous tense about what butterflies are doing
during migration. =

A) They are flying from Canada and USA.

B) The butterflies are sleeping together.
C) The butterflies are making a 2000 miles’ trip.

4) Write three (3) sentences in past continuous tense about what butterflies were doing before
migration. =

A) The butterflies were living in north America until the winter comes.
B) Most of them were laying their eggs on the milkweed.
C) Some of the monarchs were passing a process of tagging.

5) Write four (4) conditional sentences about Monarch's migration. (8 marks) =

A) If the butterflies don’t make the migration, they will not survive in the winter.
B) If the monarchs fly to Mexico, they'll survive.
C) If we plant more milkweeds, they'll put more eggs.
D) If at least one tagged monarch is found in Mexico, would be more helpful for studies.

6) Write your opinion about this fact. Use conditional as possible. (3 marks) =
In my opinion we should be more concern of this migration of the monarchs, probably more of
them would make it to Mexico. As well I think that if more studies are made, we could get a lot
of information about this mystery. It’s a matter of fact that is amazing how this insect is able
to flight so far away to survive, probably if they don’t travel that distance, they will be extinct
at this moment.

I think that is an important matter to be aware of, the monarchs are a beautiful specie of
butterfly and should be preserve more.

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