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Pride Sample

A project I take a lot of pride in is a project I made in my woodshop. It is a black

plaque with a purple decepticon symbol from transformers. I take pride in this project

because this was a time-consuming project and had a really fun time making it. This

accomplishment was important to me because it shows that I am capable of doing

hands-on work. There were lots of steps to complete this project.

The first step was picking out the wood I need to make the plaque. I choose the

wood called Alder. The next step was to cut the wood into 2 long pieces. The third step

was that I had to glue them together with super glue and leave the glued pieces at the

shop overnight. The next day I had to scrape the excessive glue off the plaque. The

fifth step was to take the plaque to this machine called the, “Jointer” which made the

sides of the plaque flush. The sixth step was to take the plaque onto this machine that

made the face of the plaque flush. The seventh step was take the project to this

machine that carves out the sides of the plaque. The eighth step was to make the

whole plaque smooth by using automatic sandpaper machine. The ninth step was to

laser the plaque with the decepticon symbol, which took a long time. The tenth step

was to the plaque outside and spray paint it black. I had spray paint like 5 times. After

that I’d let it dry for 30 minutes and take it inside to paint the decepticon symbol purple.

The twelfth step was to spray the plaque with a finish. The thirteenth and final step was

to put the hanger on the back of the plaque.

In conclusion this project was really fun to make. This project in total took me 2

weeks to make. After the whole process of making it, I had to pay for it which was really
worth it. This project holds great significance to me because this was my best project I

made in woodshop. I will always remember the steps of making the plaque.

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