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Transcript/Attendance Reflection

I believe your transcript can be somewhat of a reflection of your capabilities. I

believe this because it reflects how much time and effort you are willing to put into

something. If you have a bad transcript, it can tell other people that you might not have

enough capability to get the job done. If you have a good transcript, it can show people

that you have the capability to make sure the job gets done. It also might not be a true

reflection of your capabilities because you could have a bad transcript but have really

good capabilities. There have probably been a few people that have had really bad

transcripts and still became very successful in life.

I believe you attendance is a reflection of your capabilities. I believe this

because your attendance can show people that you are going to show up on time for

your job. This can be very bad because you would get fired from your job. If your

attendance shows your absent a lot, it can tell people that you are not going to show up

for your job which is way worse than being late. If you have a good attendance, it

shows people that you are not a lazy person. It shows them you are willing to get out of

bed and get to where you need to be on time.

In conclusion, your transcript and attendance can have a reflection on your

capabilities. Your transcript reflects on how much time and effort you are willing to put

into something. Your attendance reflects whether you will show up on time to the things

you need to do. If both of these are good it will reflect that you have great capabilities.

If both of these are bad, it will reflect that your capabilities are really lazy which is not

good at all.

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