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Mary Angel R.

De Leon


Based on my result on my career test, my personality type is ‘Enterprising’ followed by

‘Social’ and ‘Realistic’. My six letter personality type is ‘ESRCAI’. There is a list of jobs
given that would fit in my Holland Code. A total of 20 occupations is suggested based
on my score.

List of suggested occupations:

 Commercial Director - 78%

 Financial Manager -74%
 Manufacturing Manager -74%
 Bank Manager - 78%
 Sales Manager - 78%
 Chief Operating Officer - 78%
 Construction Manager - 71%
 Judge - 68%
 Air Traffic Manager - 66%
 Medical Services Manager - 66%
 Social Services Manager - 66%
 Technical Sales Representative - 66%
 Human Resource Manager - 66%
 Public Relations Officer - 66%
 Communication Manager - 64%
 Financial Planner - 64%
 Investment Adviser - 62%
 Senator - 62%
 Regulatory Affairs Manager - 62%
 Investment Fund Manger - 62%

Based on my result on my Leadership Test, there are 5 personality trait resulted in my

leadership test these are Fairly-high Organization scored by 33, Fairly-high
Responsibility scored by 36, Average Transformational Leadership scored by 28, Fairly-
high Assertiveness scored by 33 and Average Resourcefulness scored by 27.

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