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1. My hometown in Kidupen, Tanah Karo

2. I don’t know because after giving me birth, my mom moved to the city
3. It didn’t change very much, still many trees and the society still go to the river to take a bath
or do something there.
4. I really like when I wake up in the morning and looking the view from window, I like when
we go to the river playing and do anything there, also I really having fun when my
grandmother taught me how to cook
5. In my hometown there is one river that is really famous called Namo Karang, many people
from another hometown go there to take a bath or picnic with their family. So I think when
someone want to visit my hometown, they can go to Namo Karang and having fun there.
6. No, because I already have a plan that I want to live in south Korea with my mother.


1. I live in a house.
2. No it’s a simple small house.
3. I live with my grandmother and my grandfather.
4. Of course my favourite is my bedroom.
5. I think it’s a quiet place.
6. From window can see many things, I can see my front yard, I can see our chocolate trees and
also my neighbour house.
7. I really want to change my front yard. Because it’s full of items that I don’t think are too
important like my grandfather’s used tires and many more.


1. Now I’m studying in state university of Medan, with study program English Education.
2. Because when I still at senior high school, I think English is an awesome subject. Therefore I
choose that course.
3. My favourite subject is COLS because I think I like to speak with many people, l like to make
new friend. And in COLS I can practice and learn more about speaking and listening.
4. Not really, I think at university I don’t have many friends because I am a student in the first
semester and I spend more time studying.
5. I think I want to work as a public relations of hotel or hospital. Because I like to communicate
with other people and I also like to solve problem together.
6. I haven’t thought about that, because I think after I graduate I will travel the world or
vacation with my mother first. But if there is a chance maybe I will continue my studies.


1. I’m not working because I still a student.

2. Nothing, because I haven’t worked yet.
3. Because I still a student I think my duties is to study hard to make my family happy.
4. Yes there is many work I want to do, such as open my own hotel or restaurant. I also think
that I want to join with an university as a lecturer if maybe.
5. Usually I will watch a movie or just eat a food and then sleeping all day.

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