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Subject: Conversational course

Professor: Maritza Housset

Task Objectives:

a. To demonstrate the mastery of the different language skills (Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing)
b. To research a specific social issue/problem, reflect on it and present it in a critical and creative way.
c. To propose a well-supported solution to the researched issue/problem.

Task Description

a. Choose a social problem/issue you want to present.

b. Read as much existing theory about this problem/issue as possible, select the most important theory to present (at
least 4 references-PDFs and/or Books). References allow supporting ideas.

c. Once you have read most of the relevant existing theory, think of an original solution to the problem/issue (This
solution needs to be well-supported).

d. Explain your original solution giving examples.

e. The presentation must be 10 minutes to do the actual presentation plus 2 minutes to answer questions posed by
the teacher if it is necessary.

f. The oral presentation has to be shown through slides, please do not show videos.

Note: The same problem/issue cannot be presented twice.

Parts of the presentation:

a) Introduction - Introduce the social issue/problem you chose. (Do not write text as introduction, it could be said
orally. From general to specific one)
b) Present the most relevant existing theory of the problem/issue. (It´s significant to show references on the
slides and support them)
c) Propose an original solution to overcome the issue/problem you chose and present your supporting points.
d) Conclusion
e) References
f) Questions

Date for presentations: May 30th June 1st and 6th

Number of presenters: One (1)

Evaluation: There will be a rubric to evaluate this task.


 It is necessary to check some aspects related to pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary before the
 It´s fundamental to incorporate connectors, linking devices and identifying adverbs in order to join ideas and

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