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Gabrielle Anderson 
Math 3 
In the “Meadows or Malls?’ unit, we are trying to find a way to distribute the 
property that was left from Mr. Goodfellow to satisfy the people of River City. To suit 
the constraints of the farm, army base, and mining land. Also, finding an appropriate 
and as much land as possible for recreation and development, including 
improvements. To solve this focused on grasping understanding with linear 
programming specifically with 3 variable problems, along with systems of equations. 
From this, we learned to operate and solve equations using matrices. Following this 
unit, and figuring out constraints and establishing other constraints to help solve this 
question, we were given assignments that included; linear, graphing 3D planes, 
solving systems of substitution and elimination, as well as matrices equations.  
Throughout this project, I have come to have a better understanding of solving 
systems of substitution and elimination and solving matrices. I felt like I had an 
academic growth in working in this unit. There was a struggle during this unit on 
working with how to solve matrices, and grasping the understanding of it. Toward the 
end, however, I felt my knowledge and growth increase with matrices.   

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