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A Structured Guide to Understanding and Performing a Successful Moola Puja to Remove the Effects of a Bad Planet at the Time of Birth Garbhadhan Sanskar By Swami RAM CHARRAN There are only two sides of human emotions, they are LOVE and ANGER. When a baby is developing in the womb the emotions of the mother are absorbed by the baby as it develops. It can be one of these two that decides the type of child that will be born. If born out of love the world will rejoice and if out of anger it will be distressed. The ancient Hindus were aware of this and have designed a special set of ceremonies and prayers that will welcome only great children borne out of love and happiness. These ceremonies are referred to as Sanskars or major turning points of life. The first of these is called Garbhadhan Sanskar as it is performed before and after the conception of the child. Swami Ram has outlined the steps of the sankars as they are performed in detail. He has expertly explained the scientific procedure behind this great puja or ritual and the objective of changing the world into a wonderful one by asking parents to produce stalwarts and highly intelligent children that will be produced by the emotions of divinity and love. SEnreR we COPYRIGHTED 2011 Copyright Information KNOWLEDGE SHOULD NEVER BE COPYRIGHTED. AS WE ALL KNOW, IF KNOWLEDGE IS SUPPRESSED THEN THE WORLD DOES HOT PROGRESS, AND LIPE REMAINS STAGNANT. HAD THE SAGES OF HINDUISM COPYRIGHT THEN THE AMERICANS, EUROPEANS AND OTHER CULTURES WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE. TO PROGRESS USING THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENC SAGES. In old days, she knowledge was freely given t@ all those who seek it, At that time all knowlede was used to make the world a better place. There was no abuse of knowledge. Teachers wer highly regarded end reapected, and everyone mho freely received knowledge transferred it freely to other people. After the European invasion of the Rastern countries and the seizing of the countries by corrupted rulers, everybody started to distrust each other and such Knowledge was used as a weapon. After Hiller, and Several World Wars, the motivation fer power called fer tke person with the most Knowledge thus, the people with more knowledge had more powerful positions. Eventually those in power (like the Catholic Pope of the Old World) suppressed the lnowledge from the common people, In the 1700s and1S00's people became 0 ignorant that if anyone had more knowlege than others, it was considered WITCIICRAFT. Hence, many people were killed ccessarily by ther own people for ignorant reasons, While the Westerners in America were more and more muppressing Knowledge and burning witches, the people in india were creat knowledge. So India became 2 country with an abundance of Knowledge. ‘odsy, many Westemers are copying the knowledge of the East and placing copyrights of ownershipa on ii, even though they are not the onginatore of this knowledge, Swami Ram Charran docs no! believe that knowledge should be copyrighted. If semicone copies his book and uses it for good parposes then he is permitted to do so, However if @ person copies Swazniti's book and selis it for monetary gain, WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE SWAMI OR THE ASHRAM, then he or she will be subjected to the laws of karma. BY KARMA, HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GAIN ANY PROSPERITY FROM HIS ACTIONS, and instead will auffer later as a rest. of his illegal Swami Ram Charran gives specific inetructione to all shout the COPYRIGHT OF HIS BOOK: He says, "NO ONE IS AUTHORIZED TO COPY THIS BOOK AND SELL IT WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE AUTHOR, THIS LOOK CAN BE COPIED ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE, TEACHIIG OR RELIGIOUS POSES.” For general information on our other products and services, please contact Heendu Leaning Center at (305) 253-5410 Garbhadhan Sanskar Puja ISBN # 970-1-4509-2460-3 author credits: Editor in Chiet: OLGAH ROBLEDO Assistant Bator LURESA RAMCHARAN Designed by SWAMI RAMCHARAN Cover Design hy LUCAS RAMCHARRAN Printed by: HBENDU LEARNING CENTER

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