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Ordel Allen

Internet Safety

There was a boy named Erik. Erik absolutely loved playing video games. Every day after he

came home from school, he would immediately get on his game console and start playing games.

He usually plays games with some friends from his school or neighborhood friends. Erik really

enjoys having his friends over with him.

One day, Erik is playing on his game console using voice chat. Instead of typing everything

he wants to say, he uses his voice. He decides to play a game with another person he does not

know. This person introduces themselves as Stephen. Erik and Stephen play a few games together

and they eventually start to consider themselves friends.

Stephen decides to add Erik on a messaging app on their phones. While chatting about

games, Stephen asks Erik for a photo of himself. Erik finds it a bit odd, and decides not to send a

photo of himself. While talking, they seem to have a lot of common interests. It’s almost as if

everything Erik likes, Stephen likes as well.

Later on, Stephen decides to send Erik a photo of himself. Erik looks at the picture and

notices that Stephen appears to be much older than Erik. Erik decides to question this. Stephen

responds that he’s only 1 year older than Erik. Erik doesn’t believe Stephen, so he decides to

remove him as a friend from the messaging app.

A day later, Erik finds that he has received a lot of hateful and rude comments from

Stephen on his social media accounts. Stephen goes as far as bullying him and making up lies

about Erik. Erik decides to ignore the comments. He blocks and reports Stephen’s social media

account for harassment. Finally, Stephen is gone and not in contact with Erik. The end.

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