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Aliyah Preston

Alternate Assignment for Supreme Court Trip

I would characterize Stephen P. Halbrook’s style of advancing his

argument as disorganized. There is little doubt that Halbrook is well prepared

with his notes, and knows exactly what he wants to say. However, he has a

tendency to ramble on and had to be moved along multiple times. In his defense

though, I find it strange that he was cut off as often as he was. The chief

offenders were Sandra Day O'Connor and William H. Rehnquist, the latter

interrupted Halbrook to make a pointless joke about Halbrook saying that there

were around 1.5 officers on patrol. To Halbrook’s credit, he was able to get back

on track quickly after being interrupted and responded well.

Based on the oral arguments I fully expected Halbrook and Sheriff Jay

Printz to win. I agreed with the sentiment that Congress may not require the

States to administer a federal regulatory program. My thinking was correct as

the court ruled in favor of Printz 5-4.

I think the Justices made the decision they did because people are
weary of federal overreach onto the states, and I believe this decision confirmed


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