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常州大学外国留学生入学申请表 (附件二)

Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at

Changzhou University
该栏由学校填写/This is to be filled out by the university.

类 专业 汉语 费用 申 请 编

别 号

Please fill in the form in standard Chinese or English carefully and clearly. Please write None if not applicable.
Full Name with Middle Initial
in English according to your 照片
如果有,请填写。 If you have a Chinese name, pls fill in here. PHOTO
Chinese Name

国籍 性别
□ 男 Male □ 女 Female
Country of citizenship Gender
出生日期 出生地点
年/yy 月/mm 日/dd
Date of birth Place of birth
护照号码 护照有效期
年/yy 月/mm 日/dd
Passport No. Valid until
婚姻状况 宗教信仰
Marital Status Religion
职业 工作单位
Occupation Employer
手机 电子邮件
Cell phone E-mail

Permanent Home Address
邮政编码 电话/传真
Zip Code Permanent Tel/Fax

Mailing address
收件人 邮政编码 电话/传真
Receiver Zip Code Tel/Fax

推荐单位 联系人
Recommended by Contact person

联系地址 电话/传真
Address Tel/Fax

学习经历(高中起填写) Educational Data(From High School)

学校名称 在校时间 主修专业 所获文凭

Name of Institution Years attended (from/to) Field of study Diploma/Degree(s) Obtained





语言能力,请用“好,一般,不会”评价。 Language proficiency(Good/Average/None)

汉语 Chinese HSK:_______级 ; 新 HSK (□初级、□中级、□高级): __________ ; BCT:____________
英语 English TOEFL(score)________; GMAT_________; GRE_________; IELTS____________

其他 Other

学习计划 Study Plan at CZU (please click what you plan to study)
申请类别 Category 专业或专题 Subject or field of study 指导教师 Advisor
□ 博士研究生 专业/Major:
Doctoral 研究方向 Research field:
candidate 欲完成的论文题目 Topic of your planned thesis:

位 □ 硕士研究生 专业/Major:
生 Master candidate 研究方向 Research field:

D 志愿 Choice 1:

E 志愿 Choice 2:
□ 本科生
G 是否服从调剂/Accept other majors or not?:
R □ 是/Yes

E □ 否/No

预科补习 自/From 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd 至/To 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd

□ 高级进修生
非 Senior Advanced 专业 Major:
学 Student

□ 研究学者
生 研究专题 Research Topic:
Research Scholar

□ 普通进修生 专业 Major:
General Advanced

□ 语言进修生
汉语/Chinese language
N Language student

学习时间 Duration of study

自/From 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd 至/To 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd

住宿 Accommodation

□ 申请宿舍 Applying for accommodation on campus

□ 单人间 Single room □ 双人间 Double room
□ 不需要安排住宿 No need for accommodation arrangement by CZU

经费来源 Financial Support

保证人姓名 Guarantor's name:

与申请人关系 Relationship with the applicant:
□ 自费
地址 Address:
电话/传真 Tel/fax:
保证人签名 Guarantor's signature :
学校名称 Name of University/College:
□ 校际交换 联系人 Contact person: 工作部门 Department:
University exchange 地址 Address:
电话/传真 Tel & Fax: E-mail:
奖学金名称 Name of Scholarship:
□ 奖学金
提供奖学金单位 Provided by:
电话/传真 Tel/Fax: E-mail:

申请人保证/I hereby affirm that:

All information and materials provided here are true and correct.
During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in
any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a
During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and regulations of the university, and will concentrate on my
studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs provided by the university.

申请人签名/Signature:_ _______________________________________________
(无此签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without the signature.)

日期/Date : 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd

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