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After the installation process is complete, launch the

application named WINLOAD.EXE (there will be a window open

with its icon when the installation process is complete, or
you can locate it under the Windows "Start" button; it's
under "Start->Programs->WinLoad->WinLoad) to start up the
OEM4 installation disk program.

When WINLOAD.EXE is started, go to the

"Settings->COM Settings" menu and set up the PC's comport
for your system. We recommend going with the default
settings if possible.

Next, go to the file menu, and select "Open Script File".

In the file dialog window, double-click on the folder named
"Updates" (assuming you didn't rename this folder
during installation), and double-click the "Upgrade.txt"
file inside this folder. The full path to this file is:

"c:\Program Files\NovAtel Inc\2.322 Update Disk\Upgrade.txt"

The dialog box will disappear and you will note that some
text appears in the status screen regarding the
"Upgrade.txt" file that you just opened.

Connect your OEM4's COM1 port to your PC's COM1 port

(or whatever PC comport you selected in the "Settings" menu)
using a NULL modem cable (this is the default serial cable
that is shipped with your GPS receiver) and have power
ready, but do not plug it in to the GPS receiver yet. Click
the "Run Script" button.

Verify that power is unplugged to the OEM4 GPS receiver when

prompted by the dialog box, then click "Ok", and a countdown
begins to decrement on the main WinLoad text area. Let it
count down about three seconds (so if it starts counting
down at 60, wait until you see 57), and then plug it in to
the power supply. The rest of the update process is

For the remaining cards, you don't need to reload the script
each time; just hook up the new GPS Card, and then click the
"Run Script" button again to program the next GPS Card.

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