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Transcript/Attendance Reflexion

I do not believe that my transcript is a true reflection of my abilities. In the

beginning of High school, good grade were not my highest concern. I thought that as

long as I passed my classes, everything would be good. Freshman and sophomore year

were probably my two worst academic years. For example, I know that I am more than

just capable in receiving an A in math, but I still ended up with a B- my first year. It

wasn’t until the end of sophomore that I realized that I had to improve. In my junior year

of high school, I decided to take my work more seriously. As a result, I saw my grades

increase. Bringing my grades up didn’t take as much work as I imagined it would. All I

had to do was put more effort into it. One of the things that I did differently was choosing

classes that I would enjoy, and that would benefit me more. That is how I ended up

being in the physics class and it was by far my favorite class of my junior year of high

school. Since junior year, the worst semester grade I have received was a C. That C is

the only C I have gotten in the last three semesters, and it came in an advanced

placement class. Absences are another thing that might look bad in my record. This

school year I have been absent a total of 8 times. Even though I have been absent

more this year then in previous years, I believe that I have gotten better at handling

them. Every absent I have this year has been for reasons like doctor appointments,

DMV appointments, or to simply take my sister to one of her appointments. I know it

took me a bit longer than others to grow up and take school seriously. However, I have

a new mentality towards school now compared to the one of my first high school years.

My gpa has been constantly improving and I only plan to challenge myself more, and to
keep improving my gpa. I know that I am capable of more than my transcript shows, and

I know that I am capable of showing so.

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