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CLT Progression of Activities

Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the comparative in French
including “plus de…que,” “moins de…que,” “aussi…que,” and “autant de…que.” In
addition, students will be able to use these comparatives to talk about different modes of
transportation in Paris.

Context: This lesson would be mixed into a longer unit on “les moyens de transport.” The
students would have already learned a little bit about the comparative including “plus…que,”
“moins…que,” “meilleur,” and “pire.”

Lesson Duration: Depending on the level of the students and how quickly they get through
the activities, this lesson could be done either in one 1 and a half hour class or two 50 minute

Lesson Plan:

 Input Phase:

o Warm-up: To get started, the students will have a warm-up activity to

complete at the beginning of class. This warm-up will help them review what
they have previously learned about the comparative in French and also get
their minds in the “French mode,” so to speak. This warm-up will be projected
on the board and will consist of five statements in French. These statements
will each have a blank in them that the students must will with one of two
options given to them in parentheses. These options will be different forms of
the comparative. This will ensure that the students are focused on meaning
while evaluating which comparative would be correct in the given context.

o Introducing New Material: Following the warm-up activity, students will be

given eight new sentences (two for each new form of the comparative we are
going to be learning) with the new forms of the comparative in them. They
will work with a partner, look at each sentence, highlight/underline the
comparative part, and discuss what they think each sentence/comparative
means. They will then discuss with their partner how they think these forms of
the comparative are different from the forms they have previously learned
(what makes them different?). After about five minutes of discussion, we will
come back together as a class and discuss this. The instructor will then provide
a clear explanation of what makes these forms different. This part of the lesson
will be conducted in English to make sure that the students fully understand
what is being taught.
 Assimilation Phase:

o Listening/Speaking/Reading Activity: For the next activity, the instructor will

have the students pair up. The instructor will then provide each pair of
students with sets of statements (A and B sets so the students have different
ones). These statements will be comparisons of one mode of transportation
versus another. The primary mode of transportation will be unspecified. For
example: “Ce moyen de transport a deux roues et prends moins de temps qu’à
pied.” The students will be instructed to read their prepared statements aloud
to their partner. The partner will then need to note the comparative that they
hear being used and guess the mode of transportation that is being hinted at.
Students will be given five or ten minutes to do this with their partners before
we move on.

o Infographic/Worksheet: For our next activity, students will be provided with

an infographic in French concerning the various modes of transportation that
are available in Paris (see infographic below) as well as a worksheet based on
this infographic (see attached PDF worksheet). To get acquainted with the
information presented in the infographic, students will work with partners to
complete page two (the page with the vocab work and the partner question) of
the worksheet. (When I made this worksheet, I mixed up the order of the
pages. Page two should have been page one. Oh well.) Once they have all
completed this side of the worksheet, we will discuss it as a class.

 Application/Extension Phase:

o Voyages Autour de Paris: As a final activity to incorporate everything we

have done thus far, students will be working through some scenarios that will
lead them around Paris. These scenarios will be projected on the board one at
a time. Students will work in pairs to read and understand the scenarios then,
using the infographic from the previous activity, make comparisons about
various options for transportation. For example:

“Tu es avec deux amis en vacances à Paris. Vous voulez visiter les
monuments de la ville aujourd’hui. Vous allez rester la plupart de la
journée autour de la Seine. Vous voulez passer la journée dehors parce
qu’il fait super beau aujourd’hui. Vous avez trois options:

1. Un pass de métro pour la journée

2. Un pass de Batobus pour la journée
3. Un vélo (3 fois au vélo, une heure et demi au total au vélo)

Répondez à ces trois questions avec une phrase complète:

1. Quelle option coûte moins chère que les autres?

2. Est-ce que vous passez plus de temps dehors si vous prenez le
métro ou le Batobus?
3. Choisis une option selon ta préférence et justifie ton choix en
utilisant le comparatif.”

There will be three scenarios given to the students. Students will note their
responses to the questions posed on the reverse side of the worksheet we used
in the previous activity. After each scenario, answers to the questions will be
discussed as a class.

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