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Ramadan is a blessed month where every Muslim is obliged to fast from

dawn to sunset for a full month. However, Muslim welcomes it joyfully. There are
many reasons why they are enthusiastic about welcoming Ramadhan. In a class, a
teacher asks his students who are Muslim about what makes them passionate about
going through Ramadan. Then, the author summarizes these reasons into 3 categories,
namely: fun, spiritual, and health motive.

For most of Muslims, spending time outdoors before fast-breaking time is a

fun thing. Hunting takjil and afternoon hangs out while waiting for the Maghrib call to
arrive, Indonesian called as ‘ngabuburit’, are the fun activity that only exists in
Ramadan. The other choose to wait for adzan at home while watching pre fast-
breaking program on television. Many communities or organizations hold open iftar as
a way to tight the relation among members.

The second reason is the spiritual motive. As we have known, in Ramadan,

God offer blessings, rewards, and forgiveness for every Muslim who worshiped Him.
Therefore, they are uplifting spirit for worshipping Allah by recite Al-Qur'an (tadarus),
sunnah prayers, remembrance of Allah and salawat to prophet. In this month too, God
tested them to hold back, both holding back food and drink during the day and keeping
words and deeds. Students in that class say that they maintain their attitude by way of
less gossiping.

The last motive is health motive. There was a student who claimed that he
had managed to reduce the use of mobile phones during Ramadan because he shifted
his focus to worshiping Allah instead of doing neglectful work. If a routine less mobile
phone is applied as long as Ramadan, it will affect the habit after after Ramadan. So,
activities will be more productive.

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