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1. What are the two meanings of “popular” music?

One meaning of popular music is when music

melodies are so beloved and familiar that we no longer associate them with an individual composer, and
becomes belonging to “the people”. A second meaning connects the idea of success, which means the
music has brought great financial profit through marketing. (Page 213)

2. What is a parlor song? A song, generally accompanied by piano, intended for home entertainment;
the term is particular to nineteenth-century America. (glossary)

3. Why would Stephan Foster write for minstrel shows? Even though Stephan Foster was sympathetic of
the abolitionist movement, he would write for the minstrel shows because he earned most of his
income through his parlor songs. (page 214)

4. Why did the piano become so popular during the Romantic Era? During the Romantic Era, music with
expression, such as big contrasts of sound was very popular. The piano had a wide range of sound,
which varied from loud to soft and anywhere in between. The piano became so popular because its
melody and harmony could be performed on the one instrument and not through strings and winds.
(page 217).

5. Define “mazurka”- Mazurka is a Polish folk dance which has a lively triple-meter dance with the
accent on the second or third beat on the measure. (page 219)

6. Define “rubato”- Rubato is a musical term which refers to liberties that are taken with the rhythm
without upsetting the basic beat. While using this, Chopin would have some players stay at a steady
beat while others would speed up. (pages 219-220).

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