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Throughout school, I never thought I would find a teacher who would impact my life so

heavily. I always just saw teachers as adults who didn’t take me seriously or didn’t care about

me. Like they just cared about my grade in their class. I am happy to say that this image I had of

teachers all changed when I met this one.

Before I met this teacher, I didn’t know what I wanted my career to be. I didn’t know

how to do or understand a lot of things. I was a confident person but didn’t have faith or hope for

the future. Everyday I would live a sluggish, dull life. I wasn’t sad or anything, but I could’ve

definitely used a push from someone and that is exactly what she gave me. This person that I am

speaking of is Mrs. Meyer. She is the Child Development, Health and Family Living, and

Clothing/Textiles teacher here at Merced High School. She is one heck of a woman, if I do say

so myself. She is the perfect combination of all things and all sides show when she teaches. She

is funny, crazy, sweet, and she gets feisty at times. She has faith pouring out of her constantly

and everyone can see it. Her telling me good morning every morning makes the start of my day a

million times better.

In this year alone Mrs. Meyer and I’s relationship grew tremendously. This year I grew

up a ton and went through a lot of things for the first time. She was there for my first heartbreak

and helped me become stronger from it. She made me realize that I am great and to choose joy.

She really triggered something in my head that made me feel better and I could never thank her

enough for that. Mrs. Meyer has changed me in so many ways. I chose my career because of her.

I know that what she has done for me made me a better person and will make me an even better

person in the future.

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