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The first image​ is a picture of my parents. I am very proud to say I still have them in my life.

parents are immigrants to this country and they have taught me so much about life and
supported me on my decisions. They came here with nothing and have worked hard to give my
siblings and I all that they can so they can see us succeed. My parents have taught me to work
hard and make sure to not let what others say about me stop me from following my dreams.
They just want the best for us and want us to finish our education and get far in life.

The second & third image​ is a picture of my family. They have stood by my decisions even when
they did not agree with them. There are two pictures because of the recent member to our
family, my little brother who brings so much joy to my heart. I love seeing him grow everyday. I
am proud of my siblings and the hard work they have done to help my parents out. I am proud
of the persons they have become they inspire me to keep working hard and if something brings
me down make sure to get right back up and never give up. We help each other out and make
sure each of us has the tools needed to succeed.

The third image​ is a picture of myself because I am proud of myself and how much I have
accomplished. I have struggled so much and have not been confident in myself and the amount
of stuff I can get done. I still have a long way to go but I am proud to say that I will never give up
and seek help when I need it. I have always wanted everyone else to approve of me and to be
proud of my accomplishments little did I know the only person that needs to feel p is me and
that is why I am proud of the decisions I have made and what my future holds. I will never give
up on myself and I will always work hard to get to where I want to be.

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