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Flavio De La Torre

Senior Portfolio

25 March 2019

Appreciation Paper

Appreciation, not a term merely used for gratitude but also a term used to describe the

only thing that I have for my mom. I’ll admit that without her I wouldn’t have had been so

successful in my schooling career. My mom was the one to tell me to always try harder every

single day, and put yesterday aside. For example say if I’m having a day, she would always tell

me to get over it because there’s nothing you can do to change your day. By learning to simply

move on I managed to maintain above a 4.0 G.P.A during all of high school, and it’s all thanks to

the wisdom of my mom.

I could not imagine my life without my mom. Without my mom I would most likely be

on my bed, being stressed about everything, and also be a high school drop out. Without my

mom I wouldn’t have someone that would give me the best advice in the world. I wouldn't be as

happy as I always am. I wouldn’t have a best friend that I can confess anything to. If I would

have had never met my mom my life would be dull and tiresome.

My mom is one of the most inspirational person that I have ever met in my life. My mom

is caring, generous, hard-working, empowering, the list just goes on. My mom always puts

herself second to anyone that she loves. Considering all other these traits she ha helped me

throughout my whole life. One example would be my mom going to all my school events and
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cheering me on from the sidelines. Another example would be my mom filling me with words of

wisdom everyday, remind me to always make good choices and to not make dumb mistakes.

My life today is amazing, the majority of the reason being the influence that my mom has

had in my life. My mother’s daily advice that my mother gave to me will only make me avoid

mistakes in my life, and to not dwell in the past. If I continue to focus on my past I will miss my

future, and I don’t want to miss the best part of my life just because I feel sorry for myself.

Thanks to my mom I am now able to focus on my goals and become the most successful person

that has ever existed.

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