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Pride Sample

Accomplishments and Pride. Two ideas that correlate great with one another, you could

say that I take a lot of pride into my accomplishments. One specific accomplishment that I am

proud of is maintaining above a 4.0 average mean while having a job. I can tell you first hand

that being at the near to the top of the class and having a job is no easy task. Another reason why

I take pride into my job is that it’s not a job that all high school students have, I managed to get a

job as a Bank Teller at the Merced School Employees Federal Credit Union.

Having a job at a credit union takes a lot of someone, especially if you have many other

responsibilities to handle. For example despite having to work at the credit union, I also have to

help out with my family’s restaurant on the weekends and meanwhile doing that I have to fulfill

my student responsibilities as well. I will admit that there have been many times that I wanted to

quit, because all I wanted was a break, but I did not. As a matter of fact I am happy and proud

that I don’t give into submission, because I wouldn’t have drastically grown into the person I am

today. Without all of these responsibilities that I hold on my back on a daily basis, I would be

bored with my life; as a matter of fact I would be extremely disappointed with my life, what’s

the point of living a life that you’re not proud and happy with. I don’t see my responsibilities as

burdens but as challenges that force me to fight stronger and stronger in order to be the best that I

could be.

You might think that I am lying to you, because everything I explained sounds

impossible. In reality if I heard this story I wouldn’t believe it either, but this is my life. You
could say that my life is too incredible to believe. I’m definitely the type of person that likes their

actions to speak for them, because based on the amount of accolades I have under my belt, I

could let my actions speak for years.

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