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Transcript Reflection

Transcript, information that reflects who you are as a person. In my opinion I believe that

my transcript and attendance reveal the kind of person that I am. I like to say that being a student

is almost everyone’s first job, and the things that they do will give employers a preview of what

to expect from them. For example since I have perfect attendance, that will only show that under

any circumstances I would miss work when I know that I am expected to go. My transcript

demonstrate the idea that I work hard in order to succeed, my almost perfect grades average out

to over a 4.0 G.P.A.

Very few people can say that they have perfect attendance for their senior year, most of

us see our senior year as a time to relax and lay back, but I didn’t. I strongly believe that my

attendance reflect the determination and will I have to go on and succeed. If my attendance isn’t

enough to justify my determination to improve my life and make it the best that it can be, then

use my commendable grades.

Throughout high school I maintained above a 4.0 G.P.A, so throughout high school I

definitely put in the work that was necessary for me to be successful in my classes. A statement

that most people have towards my accomplishments is if I’ll keep up my hard work when I go

off to college? Whenever I get asked this question, I first laugh internally then I tell them that

once I see what I’m capable of and like the outcome I crave that satisfaction even more, so I will

everything in my power to be the most successful that I could be. In my opinion based on my

grades and attendance I prepared and set to for anything that is waiting for me in the future.

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