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The organs that are involved in the scenario Multiple endocrine glands:

 gland Hypofise

 gland Thyreoidea

 gland suprarenalis

 pancreas

 Testicular / ovarian

 thymus

Hypophyse gland (pituitary gland)

 Ovoid shape / nut, size 12 x 8 mm, weight 500 mg

 There intracranial (ttp extradural) on the central fossa skull base diencephalon
advanced media / vetr III

 A gland "two in one" organ: there are two parts of the gland with each function

 Wrapped by a capsule of connective tissue

 Adenohypophyse produce growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH),

adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), gonadotrophic hormone (GTH), follicle
stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)

 Neurohypophyse produces the hormone oxytocin, and anti-diuretic hormone



 "Hypophyseal fossa" the superior sinus sphenoidalis + nasopharynx

 On the cover "diaphragm sellae" (part of the dura mater) centralnya perforated
passed Infunndibulum

 Sinus cavernosum and its contents (lateral)

 Sinus intercavernosus (Ant + post + inf)

 Chiasma opticum (ant. Soups)

 Surrounded Circulus Willis


1. The anterior lobe (Adenohypophyse) Pars: Pars ant / distal Infundibulum: Pars
Intermedia 2. Posterior lobe (Neurohyphophyse) Eminentia median: lobe
neural stem Infundibulum
2. The anterior lobe> posterior lobe anterior lobe of the structure "celluler"


1. The arteries of the cab. A. Carotid interna: A. Hyphophyseus superior, inferior

Hyphophyseus A.

2. Vena (into the cavernous sinus): V. Hyphophyseus superior, inferior

Hyphophyseus V.

3. Intrahyphophyseal -> formed Anastomose, portal system hyphophyse

Suprarenalis gland (Adrenal Gland)

 Weight 3-6 mg, the size of 50x30x10 mm, color yellowish

 There are 2 pieces: suprarenalis glands dextra et sinistra

 There are two parts: the cortex (outer 9/10) and medulla (inside, 1/10)

 Have hilar: located on the anterior facies, skipped vasa lymphe suprarenalis and

 Kortikokortikoid cortex produces hormones and mineralocorticoid

 Part adrenal medulla produces hormones and noradrenaline

 In cavum abdominis (retroperitoneal)

 At Polus superior renal sin + dextra

 Wrapped: renal fascia and perirenal fat


1. A.suprarenalis superior (cab.a.phrenicainf)

2. A.suprarenalis media (cab.lgsg aortic abd) A.suprarenalisinf (cab.a.renalis) The

artery is absent at the hilum suprarenalis but on other surfaces.


 There is only one vein suprarenalis, keluardari hilar suprarenalis

 Dextra → to V. Cava inferior
 Sinistra → to V.renalissinistra


 Gastrin hormone produced namely, cholecystokinin, secretin, glucagon and insulin.


 Retroperitoneal in cav.abd
 Transverse almost horizontal with cauda part rather ride to the splenic hilum
 Posted at post exchanges DDG omentalis
 At the level of V.L2 to Th12-L1
 Combined KEL. Exocrine and KEL. Endocrine
 KEL section. exocrine which has ductus Pancreaticus

KEL section. Endocrine namely: section islands of Langerhans of the Pancreas,

consisting of cells:

o Cells ά -> HormonGLUCAGON

o Cell β -> INSULIN Hormone

 epigastric region
 Located in the arch of the letter "C" duodenum (pars sup + desc +
 S / d limit incisura PANCREATICA
 epigastric region
 Mulaipdincisurapancreatica
 Diventral aortic & rensin, in the dorsal gastric
 S / d limit lig.lienorenale
 The left hypochondrium Regio
 In the lig.lienorenale, enter the splenic hilum

Thyreoidea gland:

 The hormones produced are triidotironin (T3), thyroxine (T4) and calcitonin


o Diventral:

- Part Caudal larynx (cartilage Thyreoidea + Cricoidea)

- Part Cranial trachea (s / d ring of cartilage trachealis VI)

o Covered:

- The muscles Infrahyoid

o The medial (inner side):

- larynx

- trachea

- Oesphagus

- Carotid Sheath
- N. Recurrens laryngeus

Attached to the larynx -> join the movement up and down the larynx

Hormone production -> thyroxin


 A.THYREOIDEA SUPERIOR (cab. A.carotisexterna),

mempercab.kanr.anterior (menujuke isthmus) and posterior, beranastomose
with inferior r.ascendensa.thyreoidea
 A.THYREOIDEA inferior (cab.truncusthreocervicalis) supplied
kesebag.besar gland
 A.THYREOIDEA IMA (cab. Truncus brachio cephalicus or directly from
arcus aortae)
 Venous blood flow (V.THYREOIDEA SUP, MEDIA) empties into the
inferior bermuarake v.jugularisinterna and v.thyreoidea v..brachiocephalica


Located :

 In the mediastinum Superior

 Directly behind the manubrium Sterni
 In front of the large blood vessels of heart

Consists of two lobes

In adults -> regression in> 20 years

Thymosin hormone production -> settings immunologist (stimulate the T



 The hormones produced estrogen and testosterone

 Agakgepeng ovoid shape, ± L x W x T = 4 x 2.5 x 3 cm
 Sections: extremitas Superior, Inferior extremities, Margoanterior,
Margoposterior -> there mediastinum testis (there rete testis)

Layout -> dalamcavum scroti

- Testicular lower left rather than right


 Formed by connective tissue -> Tunica albuginea

 Wrapped by tunica vaginalis td Lamina Viscerali sdan parietal (of which
there are cavities)
 The inside Tunica VASCULOSA -> layer of blood vessels
 From the mediastinum testis (posterior padamargo) -> exit ductuli
 Testicular Didorsocranial terdapatujung funiculus SPERMATICUS -> so
that the testicles hung in the cavity scroti
 Testicular dapatbergerak -> up and down -> by contraction m.cremasterica
on funiculus Spermaticus
 Parts:
- Superior + Inferior extremities - Margo liber (ant) + mesovarica (post)
- Facies lateralis + medial - Hilus ovarii


 The hormones produced estrogen and progesterone

 Homologous to the male testis
 Oval - flattened; L x W x T = ± 4 x 2 x 1 cm
 Located at Fossa OVARICA
 Parts:
- Superior + Inferior extremities
- Margo liber (ant) + mesovarica (post)
- Facies lateralis + medial
- Hilus ovarii

The liver is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity, the liver is the superior
part of the abdominal cavity. Located in the region of the right hipokondrium,
epigastric and can sometimes reach regions hipokondrium left. In the adult liver
weighs about 2% of body weight.

The liver is divided into four lobes, namely lobes dextra, caudate lobe, the
left lobe and Quadratus. Having a thin layer of connective tissue called
Glisson's capsule, and on the outside is covered by the peritoneum. The area
where the exit sign in the blood vessels of the liver known as the hilum or porta
hepatis. Tubes contained in this area such as the portal vein, hepatic artery
propia, and there dextra and the left hepatic duct.

Veins in the liver that carries blood out from the liver to the inferior vena
cava is the vein hepatica. Meanwhile, the blood vessels and arteries hepatic
portal venous flow towards the porta hepatica.

Innervation of the liver is divided into two parts and the surface of the liver
parenchyma. In the parenchyma, managed by N. innervation from the plexus
hepaticus hepaticus. Getting the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation
of NX while on the surface of innervation of nervi intercostales get down.

Reference: R. Putz, R. Pabts. 2002. Sobotta. ECG: Jakarta. Volume II. P. 128 Journal (Journal of hormones Systems) Page. 21-24

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