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During my senior year of High School I had the privilege of being the Merced Marching

100 Drum major. I was previously a member of the band and felt courageous enough to try out

for the position. Through being Drum major I feel as though I have grown as an individual-- I

was able to overcome all the trial and tribulations of being the leader of the band. I will never

forget the honor and amazing experiences from having this position.

Every summer the band has a camp where we train new and current members how to

march, play the march, and have a higher level of discipline. Band camp preps the band for the

many competitions that we’ll compete in during fall. It is also an event where we break the ice

with all of the awkward and young incoming freshmen. Due to my new position, I was able to

help teach all of the new members how to march and play correctly. Band camp is always fun

because it creates a sense of comradery between all of the members. Throughout the short period

of time that I had as Drum major, I had to learn how to lead others with compelling words as

well as show others that I was a good role model. I was always conscious of my actions and

wondered if I fulfilled my role completely. I realized that I had to be true to both my band and to

myself if I wanted respect. I was also frustrated with my mace routine as it was difficult as a

beginner to spin the mace with grace and stiffness--I often hurt myself during practices. It all

payed of when I led the band on the concrete of our first competition. We had a decent run where

I placed 3rd in the drum major mace division. From there on we made mistakes where we

learned from, I dropped and the band buckled, but we still marched forward and kept our heads

The Merced Marching 100 Band has allowed me to have a great high school experience

where I met many friends. It helped me grow as an individual who could understand his

shortcomings and eventually overcome them. Through the Merced Marching 100, I learned that

winning isn’t everything, no, the most important aspect of the competition is to simply give it

your all and be proud of what you’ve accomplished no matter the size.

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