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Ethan A.


Ap Lit

May 10, 2019

Oh How The Time Flew Did I Fly Too?

The vivid flashes of a late summer breeze giving me a sun-kissed face. One of those time

in summer where heat waves danced to and fro distorting most images further down the lone

streets. My grandmother had loved always being right by my side on student registration day. I

liked to think that was because she was a great person to talk to and drove me, but she liked to

think that she was the only responsible one in my whole entire extended family, she was the one

who without a doubt. Well she still is the family matriarch for sure. Yet, back to the story, I was

stirring with a slosh of anxiety, excitement, and anticipation. The red car supposedly the best

model of the year, but was still bumpy on the busted and broken asphalt road of the tiny city

from the heart of the sunshine state Merced. I had picked out a never been worn shirt the day

before from the local mall, which we all know never took more than 10 minutes max to traverse

the entire thing. It’s polka dotted solid red shine allowed me to radiate confidence, after an

assault of huge students waving me in through the front gates of the school I was ushered into the

gym where I was exposed to an ocean of new and different faces. A bit overwhelming I would

say. Then I was separated into new groups with an especially cute girl and a few other who now
leave me with a lasting impression. All of this was a culmination of my very first experience

with the High school I know I love know Merced High School, GO Bears.

With my first experience now explained and my others in other essays all that's left is the

hanging question, Where was I? I was a near perfect student freshman year with Straight A’s

this then continued into my sophomore year, with a bit more B’s thrown in for a bit of laziness. I

was extremely proud and loved attending school with all of my heart. New faces new

knowledge it just gave me a pep in my step well except for when health class got a bit Pg-13 if

you get what I’m saying , oh how the class just cracked up. As for junior year that is where it hit

both a large bump in my life and a bump in my grades and attendance as well. This was a time

of anger in the house large amounts of arguing every night, but there was still the love that gave

my family it’s strength. The real trouble came from my aunt and her struggles. There has

always be a tension in my family between my ma and her younger sis my tia, which made a lot

of sense since she did attack my mother on christmas one year when I was younger. I never

knew I only thought that santa was outside the door tripping up on my toys since I was lazy.

But that was the past she had went back to her church which I saw gave her comfort heck even

gave her a job. My cousin beah, J and Chris were still young with hope in their eyes. Then their

father stormed back into their lives. I had later come to realize that he was just a poison in their

lives. With him drifting in and out I just needed, I had to, help my family which I loved. I have

picture of my young chubby self holding these children. I knew how much they were just big

cry babies after you strip away the tough personas they put up to the world. Heck I don’t blame

them at all for what they had to go through. On top of that my grandfather had once again

gotten sick and had to be put away in for a while, which I found incredibly strange for the fact he
was always a ray of fun in life. All these variables contributed to where I was and why there was

a bump. Which I did manage to recover from. Although this did add to what happened

ultimately it was on my shoulder so I can’t be too down in the dumps. You must look at the

whole and see the future.

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