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Transcript Reflection

My transcripts are both a reflection and not a reflection of my capabilities. I am a simple

man who mostly goes to school and gets decently good grades. I turn in most assignments on

time and have a pretty good gpa. Everything about my transcript is good, not great.

The reason why I say that it is both a reflection and not a reflection is simply due to what

I was going through during the time. Most of the time my life was simple; it was school, clubs,

and sleep. But there were times where I was either stressed or sick and couldn’t finish the work

on time. Yes, my grades were good enough to get a white robe. But in reality it really doesn’t

matter. Not many students in college will care if you got a white robe or not, I digress.

Transcripts are so short-sighted in my opinion. Everytime a student makes a mistake, they lose

points that are unable to be remade up. In the real world mistakes are made and learned from, not

permanently stained on your being forever. Transcripts are only a way to show how some

students study for the material more than others. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they're

smarter, just that they can hold more knowledge for the time being. Cramming in information

and the spilling it out onto a piece of paper is not a way of showing all of someone’s capabilities

in my opinion.

I am not bound by these grades, I can still have lots of knowledge in other fields besides

the classes that I am taking. Attendance doesn’t define who I am and how capable I am either.

Just because I chose to sleep in doesn’t mean that I am incapable of tasks, it's just that I need

sleep in order to finish the task later.

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