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The free music update for Dank Memer introduces numerous changes and features, this

document will be diving into the more complicated new features such as playlists

You can now save the queue as a custom playlist, custom playlists can be later loaded into the
queue with the ​loadplaylist ​command.

You can have up to 20 custom playlist, each with no songs limit. Additionally, you can set your
playlists as either public or private; Public playlists can be seen and loaded into the queue by
anyone, while only you can see and load your private playlists.

External playlists
So let’s say you have the youtube playlists ​rock​, ​rap​ and ​metal​ and you want to save them as
custom playlist, here’s what you’d need to do:

● pls createplaylist public rock

● pls createplaylist public rap
● pls createplaylist public metal

And you’re all set! Now you can use ​pls loadplaylist rock t​ o load your rock youtube playlist,
and any songs you add to it on youtube will be added on dank memer as well.

Note that in this example, all playlists have been saved as public playlists, you can save them
as private using ​pls saveplaylist private rock​ or set them
as private later using ​pls updateplaylist privacy rock​ (this will update the playlist’s privacy to
private if it is public, or to public if it is private) External playlists does not have a limit, you can
add as many playlists as you like.

Internal playlists
Now let’s say you don’t have organized youtube or soundcloud playlists and you just want to be
able to save the songs you like but some of are from soundcloud and some others are from

That isn’t an issue at all, you can just summon dank memer in your voice channel with ​pls
summon​ and load your songs into the queue with ​pls play​, then you can just save the current
queue as a custom playlist with ​pls saveplaylist public myneatplaylist ​which will save the
queue as a public custom playlist named ​myneatplaylist​.
You can later update this playlist’s songs by loading it into the queue, adding or removing songs
with ​pls play ​and ​pls removesong ​and then using p ​ ls updateplaylist queue myneatplaylist
which will replace the tracks of ​myneatplaylist​ with the current queue
Included playlists
Now we’ll dive into the more complicated features. You can include playlists into another
playlist, very useful for cases like the following:

Keeping the same context than in the above example, now we have our 3 custom playlists ​rock,
rap​ and ​metal​. Let’s say we want to put these 3 playlists into one big playlist named ​everything
, the best way to go about that would be the following

● pls seeplaylists ​(Check your playlists to grab their IDs)

● pls includeplaylist id-rock everything ​(Include the ​rock​ playlist into the
everything​ playlist)
● pls includeplaylist id-rap everything
● pls includeplaylist id-metal everything

And that’s it! Now, when you load your ​everything​ playlist with ​pls loadplaylist everything​ ,
the ​rock​, ​rap​, and ​metal​ playlists will be loaded as well

Note that the playlists included in included playlists ​won’t be loaded​, because of course they
Default playlists
There are a few default playlists you can load, you can see them with ​pls seeplaylists default
and load them with ​pls loadplaylist default [playlist name]​. For example, let’s say you want
to listen to the ​shitsound​ playlist, load it with ​pls loadplaylist default shitsound.

Managing playlists
Additionally to managing your playlist with the ​deleteplaylist​ and ​updateplaylist​ commands
and managing the tracks by replacing them with the current queue, you can manage your
playlist with the ​playlist​ command.

From there, you can see a playlist’s songs with ​pls playlist [playlist name or ID] songs​ , so,
while keeping the context from the above examples, let’s say you want to add a soundcloud
playlist to your playlist ​everything

● pls playlist everything add

And there we go, it’s added, now let’s say that we want to remove a few songs from it, first we
need to check the songs with ​pls playlist everything songs ​, then there’s two ways to go
about removing a song, either:
● pls playlist everything removebyname never gonna give you up
● pls playlist everything remove 5​ (5 being the position of the song in the songs list)

The first solution is a bit more powerful, as ​removebyname​ will remove all the songs that have
“never gonna give you up” in their name as long as the song’s name is not 2 times

Spotify support
Spotify support might be the fanciest yet most confusing music feature, while it usually is
accurate enough, you may sometimes see that some of the songs in your playlists or albums
aren’t played, or that they aren’t the exact same.

This is because Spotify doesn’t allow us to stream music from them, so while Dank Memer can
see the songs that are in the given playlist/album, it cannot play them. To work-around, Dank
Memer simply tries to find the song on YouTube, so if the song is not available on youtube, you
may end up with a similar song being played or just with the song being skipped

If you would like to add a Spotify playlist to your playlists do​ pls createplaylist [spotify link]
[public or private] [playlist name]​.

DJs are users with special permissions over the music feature, DJs are able to bypass votes,
and can use the ​playnext​, ​rewind ​and ​fastforward ​commands without restriction. There is 2
ways to set a user as DJ, either by giving them a role named ​DJ ​(case-insensitive) or by using
the ​dj​ command, like: ​pls dj add [user]​ . You can later remove DJs by removing their role or
using ​pls dj remove [user]​ if you don’t use roles.

Additionally, still if you don’t use roles, you can list the current users set as DJ with ​pls dj list

Note that you are to fully use the music features without restrictions as long as there’s nobody
else listening to the music with you

When you aren’t alone (bots and deafened users aren’t counted) and aren’t set as a DJ, most
commands will require votes, all votes last 60 seconds at most and require the majority of the
users in the VC to vote for the vote to pass (so when you are 2 or 3 in the VC, 2 votes are
required,and 3 votes when you are 4…)

You cannot start 2 vote of the same type (same command) at once, but you can however have
multiple votes of different types at the same time (for example: a vote to skip the current song, a
vote to change the volume, a vote to have bassboost).

Votes automatically cancel themselves if the prerequisites are not met anymore (For example, if
you started a vote to move a song and the song gets removed before the end of the vote, the
vote is cancelled) but there are a few cases where votes will behave a bit out of the ordinary,
such as:

● If a vote to remove a song is started and the said song started playing, the vote won’t be
cancelled and will instead skip the song if enough people vote
● If a vote to replay the current song is started and another one starts playing, the vote will
continue and: stop the currently playing song if any, put it at the first position in the
queue and start playing the song that was playing when the vote started

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