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IA Selection of Modern English Essays] BA English Notes Moral and Main Theme of "My Tailor” by Stephen Leacock The moral of the essay, My Tailor is that we should try to understand our fellow beings and try to share the worries of our fellow beings specially the common professionals around us. Wé.often go to so many people around ussto buy or get prepared something for us but we keep ourselves restricted to. the’ business matters. We take them for mechanical workers and never try to.take them as a E we ‘man’ RS 9 These men al ep a screen of professional dealings and, jers on them and do not show‘théir real personality to us. That is what Leaco¢k,has presented in his essay, My Tailor’, He tells us about his tailor in a funny way. He describes his ways to talk ant deal, habits and actions in a mocking way. Bityonarts the end of the essay he tells us that when he learnt that his tailor id, he got a shock. Only then he understood him as a common man and ware of his worries and hardships. When the tailor was alive, the writer i) er tried to know about his real life, But after his death he felt sorry for hil egretted his formal dealings with him, He has not mentioned any particul | lesson or advice in the essay. He has simply described the character sket e tailor and has let us draw the moral ourselves, And the best possible moral inthis essay is surely that we should not restrict our dealings with others to jess only. Character-Sketch of "My Ta r tephen Leacock “My Tailor’ is apparently a hui Lay with a sad end. It is about the life of a professional man who looks like a'machine during his work and keeps his real life and personality hidden under the cover of his professional life. The writer draws the chylaggthe sketch of his tailor and describes-his behaviour and actions in a funny way. But towards the end of the essay he-turns this humorous figure into a pathetic character and tries to win our sympathies for him. In fact he seems to be of the oint that the real personalitysof such men is hidden beyond their professionabsmiles, actions and dialogues.» Whenever the we used to go to his tailor to order for new suits, the tailor used to behave in pase @ way and rehearsed the Same dialogues in every visit as these were the part of his dealings. There was always a smile of welcome on his face anda round his neck, He talked:in a very sympathetic and polite way to his custo1 nd always showed them cloth by putting on his bended knee. While For more study related notes and solved past papers, visit us. If u want to share/donate your notes, kindly contact/share us at Jazakumullah Khaira... IA Selection of Modern English Essays] BA English Notes taking the measurement, it was his habit to flatter the writer by saying that the size of his chest had increased by half an inch though the writer knew it very well that there was no increase at all in the size of his chest. Normally people start their conversation with the topic of weather but the tailor used to end the conversation at this topic. The writer always enjoyed epactians, behaviours and machine like attitude of his tailor. But when he learnt-that the tailor was dead, and his family trouble, he felt sorry for not kn 9 about his real personality in his life. first time, he took his for a mafand realized his worries and problems. jeath of the tailor tears his pi ional cover and shows him as a ‘man’ iter describes this situation in.a‘grave way and wins the sympathies of for the tailor. Walking on the Moon 7 What are your observations of "Walking on Moon"? “walking on the moon” is an informative essay b) Scott. He has written this essay to tell us about his adventure of visitin: oon for three days, He has used a number of metaphors to make this e: iatsrestig and attractive. He tells us about the sights, experiences jeightlessness he observed there. He made this journey in the Apollo 15: 9, 1971 and landed on the surface of moon with the help of a lunar rcaneye with his two companions. They felt weightlessness as the gravity of th was sixteen times less than that of earth, They felt as they were Seton Oe smee There were mountains on the surface of the moon. Star: rening there. Then the sun rose with its full brightness and they came Ae wn 1 surface of the moon with the help of a ladder. There was no air, = 0 plants and no life. Only brownish mountai an gor beaches were there. One dag In the moon was equal to 50 hours on ti They walked on the moon with-an air of pride and honour as they were doing what no human being had ever doné and they were the first to touch that man ical soil under their feet. These wefe the observations and feelings of Scott wi e has composed in his e: 0 share them with the readers so that th nan feel his enthusiasm andy RN) For more study related notes and solved past papers, visit us. f u want to share/donate your notes, kindly contact/share us at Jazakumullah Khaira... IA Selection of Modern English Essays] BA English Notes The essay is written as an attempt to point out the deterioration and destruction of atomic weapons. The writer has narrated the scene of destruction which happened after the attack of atomic bomb on Nagasaki by America. essay bu Machaito Ichimaro When this was happened, thé\writer himself was there and witnessed it personally. He heard the voice of a plane and then the smoke and fire was e ere. The roofs of the buildings swung away, grass burnt into black and peo pie er died or injured badly. The sant of their bodies, spotted with their blood, ‘were scattered ‘on the ground. Death was marching everywhere. Splendid b g had got the shape of ruinsaA-number of ambulances were running on ds to take the people to the\hdspitals. Such was the scene of destructioN ig egasaki after the attack of atomic bomb on it. In fact the writer has given in his essay the picture of this horrible attack to make the world realize the after effect of the use of atomic weapons: He seems to be giving a message to all of atomic energy may be useful in some ways but as far as a war is concerned “never again should these terrible nuclear weapons be used, no matter appens. Only when the mankind renounces the use of these nuticareedhens will the souls of my friends rest in peace.” Wy PTSKEIEHEIPIGAGE” theme and p y Gloria Emerson “Take the Plunge’ is a fantastic essay @ message that ‘Determination is the key to success’. We can always tur’ sible into possible if we have confidence and strong will power. The writer, Gora Emerson, has told us about her personal fe experience of taking the plunge t this message. She has such a poor physical “tondition that everything that everybody used to take pity on her and thought her worth nothing. So she decided to do something extra ordinary to wa: lark of pity off her. She thought about many adventures but the only one suited with her bad back and uncertain ankles was to dive in the air with ao from aero plane. She joined-4,flying club to learn the art of diving with help of a parachute. After completing her training successfully, she .d a Corona 180 along with a,cmpanion. When she took the plunge, she,felt the slap of wind and noise but after when her parachute popped open, ing came into peace giving her pleasant look of colours of earth and soothirig‘expanse of space. In the end, she landed successfully. Nobody could expect.frem her such an act but she‘Surprised all her friends by doing this bold act € her poor physical condition. People applauded her attempt and her determination. For more study related notes and solved past papers, visit us. If u want to share/donate your notes, kindly contact/share us at Jazakumullah Khaira...

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