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Jared Crossman


Transcript/ Attendance Reflection

My name is Jared Crossman and I am currently a senior at Merced High School. I have

maintained above a 3.0 GPA and earning my purple cord at graduation for 250 plus hours of

community service all while being extremely involved in my FFA Chapter. During the

2017-2018 school year, I was fortunate enough to be elected to the office of Vice President of

my FFA Chapter. I learned from this experience the amount of time and sacrifice that went into

being a leader. I decided I wanted to keep gaining the valuable skills that I had gained by being

an officer and ran again for a position for the 2018-2019 school year. I was ecstatic when I was

elected as the Chapter President. Outside of the FFA perspective and into the classroom. I have

only gotten one D and I made that class up so I can go to a 4 year college. I have never been a

strong English subject student but growing up i never had that good of grade in elementary and

middle school. Now that we are about to graduate and for me to maintained a 3.19 while i’m

heading into the end of my senior year it has been one of my great accomplishments. In the

workforce perspective and I am a hard worker and when I get a job I am determined to get the

job done.

By looking at my attendance, I sit at a 97%. I miss a lot of school because of Ag trips but

every single one I go on is another learning experience and makes me want to work in the

Industry even more and more. These trips are opportunities for me to meet people in the

community and more knowledge on what they do for a day to day life.

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