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Peralta 01

Frandi Peralta


English 11/12th


Racism in the Dominican Republic

Gonzalez, Juan Carlos. "Racismo, discriminación y destierro." El PAIS, 17 Oct. 2017,

This article is about how many of people that were born in the DR and have lost their

nationality because of both parents that were born in Haiti. Both countries share an island. A

woman shared her story that because of her skin color she is always asked for her documents.

It also talks about that being a Haitian in the DR is not good.

A thing that the author of this article did well was in having a strong first paragraph to

grab the attention from the readers. It is phenomenal how much time the author spent

investigating about the dominicans and haitians. Another thing to point out is that the article

has a lot of info. Sadly the article has a strong vocabulary and it can be challenging to some


Alcántara, Amanda. "Una República Dominicana libre de racismo (y corrupción)."​Acento​,22



The author starts this article by saying that people might not think that she is not

dominican by how she is going to talk about the DR. Also, there is a lot of social medias

account about racism in the DR. There is also a lot of dominicans that are racist against
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Haitians. The author gives her opinion about the conflict between DR and Haiti and she wants

for their be no conflict between both countries.

In the article when saying what another person said they give them credit to the

original person who said it. The author did an excellent job by giving her opinión about the

conflict that is going on between the DR and Haiti. Something else is that the author talks

about racist people that use social media to promote it. It was unacceptable that the ending of

the article was feeling really cheap and the author was losing interest. Also, the author made

the article to short.

Olimpismo.​ 3 Apr. 2018,

luisito-pie-sobre-el-racismo-he-sido-discriminado-en-mi-país-FN 9539546.

Here in this article a Dominican is sharing his story and experience of having a dark

skin color. Luisito says that he has received a lot of positivity from people but also a lot

negativity from people. He has a lot of problems because both of his parents are from Haiti

but he was born in the DR. Also, he tries his best even with all the negativity on him from

racist people.

The opening of the article talks about Luisito’s life and that is great to tell the reader

about who Luisito is and what is the conflict. Also, this article shows that even when people

hate you, you have to work hard for what you like to do and never give up. Another thing is

that the author of this is really detail about Luisito’s life. Unfortunately, this article has good

information but it is to short and could have been longer.

Vargas, Robert. "¿Qué tan racista es R. Dominicana en el trato que le da a los haitianos?"

Ciudad Oriental​, 9 Oct. 2016,

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The article starts with a strong if the Dominicans are racist. After the question the

judge said that the Dominican Republic is not racist but there is dominican people that are

racist with the haitians. A lot of countries think that the Dominican Republic is racist but

those are countries that are racist with other countries. the judge continues to say that the

Dominican Republic is not racist with haitians, that they are trying to do what’s right for the


First and foremost the article has brings great points of why the Dominican Republic

is not racist and that some Dominican citizen are racist with haitians. Also, the article has a

video of when the judge was talking about this topic, and that is a good thing for people that

do not like to read. Another good thing is that they let you know that it is just there opinion

about if the Dominican Republic is racist. An issue with this article is that it is a lot shorter

than the other articles and the article is not as detail as the video is.

Diaz, Isidoro. "Racismo anti-haitiano en República Dominicana." ​Acento,​ 14 July 2015,

The article starts off by talking about that there are a lot of dominicans with dark skin

color. Than it proceeds to talk about how Spain started bringing Africans to DR a long time

ago. A lot of dominicans do not like haitians because they say that they have a weird religion.

Also, it shows that there are group of people against racist people with haitians. At the end the

author says that he is ashamed on the way some haitians are treated.

It is great that the article starts off with telling the history between DR and Haiti. Also,

a good thing that it does in this article is that it tells that some people hate them because of

beliefs and some people are against people that hate them. The good thing is that it is really

long and has a lot of information but since it is so long that it’s a negative of it.
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