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Frandi Peralta


English 10th grade

April 7, 2017

Economy and Tourism in the Dominican Republic

Did you know tourism help the Dominican Republic economically? Tourism is making

the Dominican Republic grow and get better each year. According to Dominican republic

economy, ¨Tourism helps the economy of Dominican Republic grow¨. In this paper,

you´re going to see each wich ways tourism helps the economy of the country, like

tourism, provides a job for people that don't have one, the cleaner country that makes

tourist come more and lastly about tourism help the DR government to grow more in a

there economy.

To begin with, tourism has the giving job to thousands and thousands of Dominicans that

didn't have a job. More than 15 percent of Dominicans work with tourism. Most people

live thanks to tourism. Tourism providing jobs for people has a bad good thing because

some people have to leave their home for a job, but the good thing is that they usually

find a job really easy. Each year the number of workers is increasing.

Tourism makes the Dominican Republic a more clean country. Since years has pass

tourist like more when the places they visit are clean. So tourist will pay a lot of money to

stay in a place that is clean and all of that so they give a lot of money to where ever they
stay so the economy of that resort, hotel or anything gets better. People try to make their

locals look good so tourist can go and they get money.

Tourism makes the economy of the government better. Tourist like visiting places like

the colonial zone etc. The government is in charge of all of that so the government tries to

make the thing they are in charge of look nice so tourist can go and the get the money and

help in other places of the country that need help. Tourism each year is making more

changes in the government and it is giving jobs to people to work in the government.

For the last 30 years, tourism has changed and will keep changing the Dominican

Republic and its economy. Tourism gives jobs, cleaner country and better government

and much more. In the future, I hope to have a job that involves tourism in it.

Work cited

www.ukessays​. co


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