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First, as my opinion, I think this movie is quite interesting and has pretty good cgi

even though it is quite old movie. I heard that this movie actually came out at 1997.
So maybe the movie could be made few years ago then 1997. I really enjoyed the
movie and every part on the movie made me into the curiosity. The part that I mostly
enjoyed was the every part where stormtroopers and the characters were fighting
with their blasters and lightsabers. Because as everybody know, the lasers are same
thing as a light so it can’t be that limited length if there are no blocking things. I
know that is a Cgi, but it looks really realistic, so I enjoyed. The part that I felt little
too bad about was the part where Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi was fighting
with their lightsabers. Of course the lightsaber looked like real, but the actual part
that I felt little too bad about it was their motion. They were just blocking their
opponent’s lightsaber standing and does not move, and even though they move they
were just taking few steps to their sides. That part actually really looked like fake.
And, I have a one question: How do they make Cgi? I think this question will apply to
every movie because every movie has cgi at least at once( I am not sure, just my
personal opinion). The plot of this story saids likes this in the internet: “Tarkin is
trying to complete the space station 'Star of Death' and occupy small countries in the
galaxy. He resists the monarchy, creates an empire, and threatens the peace of the
galaxy. Knowing this fact, Rebel sends Princess Leah to get the "Star of Death"
blueprint, but the princess is caught by Tarkin. Instead, the princess sends the robot
to the Jedi driver Kenobi for help. The robot with the "Star of Death" blueprint
successfully escapes and is found by Luke and eventually passed to Kenobi. Kenobi
teaches Luke that Jedi is a peacekeeper and Luke is a descendant of Jedi. Then, he
persuades the boy, Luke, to perform the task the princess asked him to do. In the
process, a life-saving adventure begins with the captain Solo of the Pelcon. During
the trip, the Pelcon is dragged there because of its 'Star of Death.' And after
confirming that the princess is held in the "Star of Death," Luke and Solo rescue the
princess and escape. Kenobi dies in a darth Vader who becomes a villain, but his soul
stays by Luke and guides him on his way.” I agree with this plot. Princess Leah was
caught by Darth Vader and Tarkin, and they meets Han Solo who is the pilot of the
Millennium Falcon. For the last one, Obi Wan Kenobi dies when he fought with Darth
Vader. Obi wan Kenobi gives up, and he turned his eyes to Luke, and he raises up his
sword, and he dies. This is like the evidence that I agree with this plot. So, I think this
movie is quite interesting and it gave me really intensive impact about SciFi movie. I
think this movie is really good.

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