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By Amari Simone
Diving into the Unknown

Fear. It’s the factor that tends to hold us all back from going after our

goals. How many times have you told someone there was something you wanted

to accomplish and their first instinct is to discourage you from taking that leap of

faith? Fear is used to stop you from awakening your true potential.

There’s a system put in place for us live on the vibration of fear’s frequency.

We’re programmed from a young age to follow society’s rules. Instead of

following our intuition, we follow our fear based instincts. There are choices that

we have to make. One choice will seem like the easier choice to make because we

know where that path will lead us. The other choice will be the one you hesitate

on taking because it leads you into a direction that is unknown. Nine times of ten,

the choice that seems harder to take, the choice that will invoke fear in you, will

be the right choice.

Everyone always tells you to follow your dreams, but how can you follow

your dreams if there are so many stipulations put into place before you can even

do so. Sure follow your dreams,but you have to follow your dreams according to
this path that society has put out for you. So, are you really following or chasing

your dreams, or are you just following what was taught to you? Fear will keep you

stagnant in life. How can you say you want something so bad but you are too

afraid to take the risk to get it. You'll notice a lot of signs, symbols, and

synchronicities leading you to the path you're to take or the choices that you have

to make in order to reach your goals but you end up second guessing yourself

because of fear.

So now you're wondering, "how can I get rid of fear?". Well in order to get

rid of fear, you first have to figure out what is it that you actually fear. Let's start

by defining "fear". According to Oxford Dictionary, fear is an unpleasant emotion

caused by the threat or belief of danger, pain or harm. Until you can understand

that fear is derived from one's belief, some part of you will always live in fear. You

can't have fear unless you believe or feel that something is dangerous, painful or

harmful. Now that you have figured out that fear starts in the mind, you can also

begin to notice fear is related directly to the ego. Your ego's defense mechanism

is fear. This is where things may appear difficult. If your ego doesn't understand

why you are doing something, or where a certain action will lead you to, it will

invoke fear inside of you to stop you from taking that leap of faith. Ego shouldn't
be destroyed but it should be humbled. Your ego doesn't know everything and it

becomes agitated when you begin to go against it and start listening to your


After establishing fear is connected to your ego and fear begins in your

mind, you can start piecing together how to get rid of fear. To get rid of fear, you

have to change your mindset. Yes, your mindset and the only way you change

your conscious is to start with the subconscious. Realize, our minds have already

been programmed in subliminal ways. We have been collectively programmed to

believe in certain things or act a certain way as soon as we have a bit

comprehension and understanding as toddlers. And all of this is done through

different avenues such as the things we watch, the things we listen to, what we

learn from our parents, and what we learn at school. Even though we have

already been programmed to think a certain way, there is also the possibility of

reprogramming your mind to think a different way. This may seem like a new

concept to some people, especially if you're now figuring out that most of the

things you think or feel were actually taught to you from the very beginning.

Fortunately, this idea of reprogramming your mind to get rid of fear isn't exactly a

new far fetched concept. In fact this concept of rewiring your subconscious has
been taught in many cultures. There are many tools that helps in the healing of

the mind such as chants, mantras, and affirmations. Those three listed are just the

tip of the iceberg. There is power in the words you use, in the vibrations you hear

and feel. There is a code and tool for everything that is in this universe and it is

our job to learn how to use them to help push us to a better version of ourselves.

Once you begin to the work to rewire your subconscious or to heal your

mind from the toxic ways of thinking you were taught to do, then you will notice

the changes it brings to your reality. Your thoughts are directly linked to what is

put out into your world. You create your reality and if you're living in the vibration

of fear then fear based outcomes will be projected into your reality. Obviously,

rewiring your subconscious will take a while to do, but with enough effort and

learning it is very much possible. After doing the work needed, you can start

releasing fear from your mindset. With fear out of the way, you begin to dive

deeper after your goals and dreams. You recognize that the only way to find your

life's purpose is to go after it even if you don't no where it will lead you to. You

listen to your intuition more and you begin to take more risks.
Although fear holds you back from diving into the unknown, so does lack of

action. We can change our mindset, but what is the point when we expect things

to be handed to us? This is where you have to find the balance of action and

patience. With this balance, you will find an inner knowing. Inner knowing will tell

you there is a natural cycle that takes place in this universe. A cycle of highs and

lows, beginning and ends, ups and downs. These cycles will teach you to go with

the flow, very much like how nature teaches us to go with the flow. Everything in

this universe is guided by divine timing. That is where patience starts to play its

role. You will need a great amount of patience to actually manifest the things we

want into reality. Patience requires you to already believe that something is going

to happen so there isn't any need for you to become anxious or persistent on

doing more than what needs to be done. You put into action the vision you want

to manifest, meaning you envisioned, you put energy into that thought to match

the universe's vibrations, then you released it out into the universe for it to come

to you. Part of manifesting is the waiting period. The period in which patience is

needed for the universe or the divine to give your manifestation. Patience is an

idle part of diving into the unknown. There will be periods of time where you're

waiting for the next step to come to you. And during that time you will need

patience for the next part of your journey to be shown to you. During that time of
waiting you will also have to learn how to remain balanced. That time of patience

is also a challenge because this time can cause you to question yourself, "did I

make the right choice?". Of course you will begin to feel that when it seems as if

you're stagnant and you're not moving to the next level of your journey. That's

your ego trying to shake you up again even though you've already made your

choice. In order to remain balanced in these times of patience, you can meditate,

to help calm and clear your mind.

After those periods of patience, you'll be called into action. Now you're on

your way to take the next step of this journey. Symbols will begin to lead you to

where you have to go next, but it's up to you if you follow your intuition or not.

And just like that you begin a new part of that cycle. The point of diving into the

unknown is to reveal your destiny. Destiny, the very reason why you were put on

to this planet in the first place. Isn't that the main reason why we're all here? To

remind ourselves the very reason we came to be. In order to figure out where our

destiny lies, you have to become self aware. To be self aware is to completely

understand what makes up every fiber of your being. Knowing what your soul

consists of. We're given plenty of tools to at least begin our journey of self

awareness. Most of the collective starts off knowing their zodiac sign, then there's
the few of us that start to look into our birth charts. There are more and more

people doing research on their birth charts. Birth charts give you a glimpse of

what makes up your soul and it causes you to dive deeper, to want to know more

about yourself. At this point you start learning more about astrology and then you

begin to realize that maybe numbers mean something too. Eventually you find

numerology and put meaning to numbers. These are the tools that were given to

us to make life on earth easier. When you figure out how you work or operate,

you realize there's more to life on earth than what society has been telling you.

You start questioning your purpose.

Purpose. The reason for which something is done or created or for which

something exists. Purpose, synonymous to motive, motivation. To live with

purpose, is to live with intention. You need to have, passion, motivation,

intention, and purpose to truly experience life. Society tells you to go to school,

get a job after, get married, then start a family. Why? Why must we do these

things? An answer no one can honestly give you. That's because we were all put

here for a purpose designed specifically for you. Every human on this planet has a

purpose. Every person on this planet is unique. So why are we taught to follow a

path given to everyone else? Part of this cycle is to figure out what your purpose
is. Surprisingly, most people have no clue what their purpose is. It's hard to find

your purpose if you're still trying to figure out who you are as a person.

Eventually, after learning and unlearning things, you are well into the journey of

being self aware and finding your purpose.

Understand, to be successful in diving into the unknown, to find your

purpose, to live in that purpose, finding yourself, then learning to love yourself, it

will take hard work. Success isn't given easily, it is something you have to work

for. It is simply the flow of life. Learn to accept tribulations or challenges in life as

the lesson that they are. These are learning experiences for you to become a

better version of yourself. Always strive forward to the next step. Be brave and

have fun diving into the unknown.

Amari Simone

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