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Copy AviravpnPro 2.x.

exe anyware you like - run - wait for avira vpn to start -
You only need to run it one time, you can upgrade to a new version (2.x) without
re-running AviravpnPro 2.x.exe.
If Avira vpn stops connect, simply re-run AviravpnPro 2.x.exe.

AviravpnPro.2.x one year.exe

One year with no data limit ( writing this) but i can't ensure it doesn't get
fucked by avira in future.

(will be blocked if you use Avira Antivirus)
Avira is fighting back and now have a more a aggressive license control.
The luncher is made for the old AviravpnPro.2.x, to fight the disconnect problem.
You will still get re-connected
one time when you reach about 700mb
(No need to use this if you use 1 year, at least in this moment).

One more fix can be released in case of avira getting crazy.


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