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Dear KISS Team,

We would like to start off this letter with a short introduction of us. Our names are
Thalia, Melissa, Jennifer, and Alicia. We are freshman students at Austin High School, and are
part of the Austin High Academy of Global Studies program. Our last geometry project of the
year was to redesign the packaging of a product of our choosing. As a group, we decided to
choose your lashes because we felt that the packaging shape could be easily modified to a
smaller design. We felt we could cut down on the unused space of the product. The point of this
letter is to suggest ways you could improve the packaging of your lashes. And making it more
efficient by decreasing the amount of unused space in your packaging.

The first step to redesigning the packaging was to find all of the dimensions. That wasn’t
too hard, but it got trickier as we worked to determine the surface area and volume of the
package and the product itself. The original package had a surface area of 299.56 cm​2​. We
modified the packaging down by 167.45cm​2​. We decreased the surface area by reducing the
height of the product to where it still displayed the lashes well. The height of the package was
originally 9.6 centimeters but after modifications it was 5.1cm.In addition, we also found the
amount of unused space by subtracting the volume of the package (145.28 cm​3​) minus the
volume of the lashes (3cm​3​), which came down to a total of 142.248 cm​3​. We found that 97.93%
of the package is not being used. Our new design reduced the amount of unused space to
96.49cm.With our new dimensions, we built a prototype of our package by disassembling it and
cutting it down from 9.6 cm by 8.9 cm to 9.5cm.x5.1cm. By modifying the design you could
save money on packaging materials and by decreasing the size. This can drop down the
percentage of unused space in relation to your product.

Our new design would benefit your company, KISS, by decreasing the amount of
material needed for packaging, which would cut down cost of production and benefit the
environment because it cuts down on the amount of plastic being used. You would be able to fit
more packages in a box to ship out by sizing it down.


Melissa F. Thalia S. Alicia R. Jennifer M.

Student Student Student Student
Austin High School Austin High School Austin High School Austin High School

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