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How to Give Hepatitis Immunization

Good morning

Let me introduce my self, my name is Ika Tyas. I am college student of Stikes Patria
Husada Blitar.

Today I will explain to you about ”How to Give Hepatitis Immunization”. The aim of
hepatitis immunization is to provide immunity to hepatitis.

The steps to administer hepatitis immunization are:

 First, tell the mother that the child/baby will be given a hepatitis vaccine by injection
“Excusme ma’am, I will give hepatitis immunization to your baby with an injection,
do you agree?”.
If the mother agrees, position the baby lying on the bed.
 Second, check whether the vaccine is still feasible or not. By looking at VVM
(Vaccine Vial Monitor), if the squared color is brighter than the color of the circle, it
means that the vaccine still can be used.
Remove the hepatitis vaccine from the package, push it and press the needle cap
quickly inside until it feels “click”.
 Third, apply an alcohol swab to the right one third of the thigh. Open the needle,
inject the needle at a 90ᵒ angle in one third of the outer thigh. Press the reservoir
(vaccine buble) until it is flat to insert the vaccine, pull the injection from the thigh.
 The last, prees thighs with alcohol swab.
And remember don’t give injections to unhealthy babies/child.

That’s the steps of “How to Give Hepatitis Immunization”. Thank you.

Name: Ika Tyas A.S


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