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“Laughter is poison to fear.

Everyone is afraid of something. No matter how old you are, fear is common for everyone.
When we are children, we are afraid of dark and heights but when we grow up, we have other
worries. In my opinion it is normal to be afraid of something. However, there is always a chance
to overcome your anxieties, especially through positive emotions and laughter.
On the one hand, I would say that laugh is more like an antidote to fear. When we are happy and
cheerful, we can defeat our concerns, doubts and phobias. According to experts and scientists,
positive emotions give us more adrenaline than negative ones. Ralph Emerson said that “Always
do what you are afraid to do” and as an example for that is acrophobia. Most people with such
concern, laugh and scream of happiness when they try to fly with parachute for their first time.
As a result, they understand that this was just in their heads and everything is possible, because
“Fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind”
On the other hand, I believe that without fear we wouldn’t be so sensible and emotional. Our
good feeling would become meaningless and we wouldn’t know the joy of conquering our
doubts. In addition to this is not just optimism that strengthens our self-confidence, it is also done
by fear. For instance, lots of students are afraid of failing an exam. Due to this feeling most of
them began to practice continuously in order to succeed and not to fail. For me this is an impulse
and motivation to work harder and achieve my goals. Even if sometimes I’m afraid that someone
could be better than me, I don’t panic, but I try to transform my anxiety into productivity.
In a nutshell, everyone is afraid of something and it is nothing unusual to be scared. We just have
to laugh and keep our happy senses further than bad ones. There is a quote by Tamara Mellon
that says: “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. I think that these words should lead us to great
achievements and help us to overcome our phobias.

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