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Marketing Service Assignment 1 

Lily Martindale and Tam Le 

Organization:​ JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 
Contact: ​ 
“At JDRF, we're leading the fight against type 1 diabetes (T1D) by funding research, advocating 
for policies that accelerate access to new therapies, and providing a support network for 
millions of people around the world impacted by T1D.” 
Marketing Service Plan: 
We will raise awareness of JDRF by creating our own fliers and posting them on behalf of 
JDRF or posting fliers that the organization provides for us. We will choose locations that get a 
lot of foot traffic, since the posters will likely be pretty small. We will make sure that the 
posters are aesthetically pleasing and follow the rules of design so they are easy to read and 
people will actually pay attention and remember them. Beyond just physical posters, we can 
use social media by posting a small PSA to raise awareness and using the influence we have on 
Instagram to get the word out. 
A non-profit organization is dedicated to raising awareness of a specific cause and 
furthering research or funding for the cause. They are there to provide public benefit, and 
advocate a shared opinion. In completing this project, we hope to learn how to use marketing 
strategies to reach a target audience and make a difference or “sell” our product (idea). This 
assignment can also benefit JDRF because it will raise awareness about a lesser known 
non-profit organization. 
Marketing Service Assignment 2 
by Lily Martindale and Tam Le 

We used a few different marketing techniques, some include the 4 P’s of 
marketing. We thought about good places to put the posters where our target “market” 
can easily see them. We chose doctor offices because our target audience was anyone 
who is concerned or cares about their health or the health of their family members. We 
also chose Endocrinologist offices to place these posters since their doctors are 
specifically for diabetes. 
We’ve reached our goal of increasing awareness for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes 
Research Foundation) because now more doctors and patients will know about their 
organization. Even if we weren’t able to put up some of the posters in certain doctor 
offices, we were still able to spread awareness to the offices about a resource they can 
use for patients with type 1 diabetes. 
This assignment changed our view of marketing for a non-profit because when we 
reached out to JDRF, they mentioned that putting up posters in doctor offices is 
something they haven’t been able to get around to doing. It made us realize that they rely 
heavily on volunteer work and word of mouth since they are a non-profit organization. 
They use a lot more social media outreach to increase their influence because it is an 
easier platform to use rather than physically going out to put up posters in doctor offices. 
As I went into the project I was expecting to have to create a poster or to have to 
just put up posters wherever I could in the community like on bulletin boards in local 
businesses. I did not think about putting them in doctor offices, but it is a smarter 
strategy because it will be more targeted towards the health industry. I learned valuable 
skills like networking so that I can work with local businesses. I had to call doctor offices, 
printing companies, and representatives from JDRF and communicate my goal as a 
marketing student. The way I worded things was crucial because it had to be clear and 
concise. This will help me in the future because business really is about people, and the 
best way to get a job is by networking. Who you know really is important. 
I think this project met multiple of SLCC’s learning outcomes because I acquired 
knowledge about networking. The project also helped me to communicate effectively and 
think critically about how best to contact the offices. I was also developing knowledge 
about becoming a community engaged learner and how to work with people 
professionally and constructively as I worked with a partner in the class on this project. 
This project helped me reach academic goals because I was able to learn more about 
marketing in a real world setting. A personal goal was also met by volunteering and 
helping out a non-profit organization. My project impacted the community by hopefully 
spreading the word to those who are in need of help that there is a great resource 
available to them to help with type 1 diabetes. 

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