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Method 3. Scribd Downloader using Upload Document

Upload Method: I used a lot of methods by Google, but today all the methods are not
working. But Document Upload is still a method that still works for all the users. So
today I’m going to tell you all about how to use this Upload method Scribd

Step 1. First of all, you have to go to the website and create a free
account on Scribd. This account also can be create using your Gmail ID or Facebook
account. If you already have a scribd account, you can also use it.
Step 2. Once you has signed-in, you have to search the document that you want to
download and click on the download button.
Step 3. You will be redirect to the next page Once you clicked on the download
button. From where it will prompt you for a free trial of 30 days. On bottom of it, you
will get an option of Upload Now document which you have to click on. [Scribd
Download and How to Upload Document
Document Download file: For this you need a document, I have given a document
file below which you can download and edit a bit and upload it again.

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