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Pride sample

During these past 4 years i have been so happy that i have finally accomplished the one thing i need in

order to start the game of life. In the beginning of the year i struggled a lot because i didn't believe that i

could do anything. I was lazy and just very bored i didn't want to do any work. I should have because

my senior year could have just been a piece of cake. I didn't believe that if i did all of this work at that

moment that i could have slide the year and did my own things. I could have already had a nice job

maybe even a car also an actually place that i can call home where it would just be me and my father. I

couldn't do any of this without believing in myself but it was hard because over the 4 years i have started

to realize a lot of things that i have had that is wrong with me. It was a major struggle because i hid

everything in i decided to hide all of my emotions because i didn't want anyone to worry about me. In

highschool i choose to be a very blunt person and tell people how it was because i believe that i

shouldn't keep my mouth shut. “Closed mouths don't get fed...” i don't really care if what i say hurts

someone's feeling because people have the right to know no matter if its something could change their

life entirely or something that could changed their mind. I would want someone to tell me something

straight up without holding any emotions back. Highschool made me feel like it was the hardest thing in

the world but i have yet to start my life so far. I've earned this so i think that i should do whatever it

takes in order to get it entirely and when i get it is when i walk on the stage and get that diploma. That

day will be the day where everything that i have worked for in high school will finally be paid off and

everyone who doubted me will be surprised and i proved them wrong. All of my family will finally be

proud of me too because throughout the 4 years all the focused on was the 1 or 2 grades that were not

really passing because i never really understood some of the classes so they always would bring them up

because they didn't believe that i could graduate. I am very proud of myself for finally accomplishing

something in life that is basically a requirement for actually getting a job so that i can further be
dependable on myself and become more of an adult. I am very proud of myself for finally doing

something that mattered and the one day that it will all finally sink in is the day i walk on that day and i

will finally be the happiest i ever been until i believe in myself again. I will be emotionally and

physically better with myself one day. :)

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