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Rebecca Simonian


Appreciation Speech

This may sound a little self centered but i appreciate myself, my mom and dad. I have so

much love for both my parents individually. My mom is this strongest person i have ever

encountered, she does so much for me and my little brother. She has the biggest heart and the

kindest soul. She loves us unconditionally. Even though she goes through her own silent battles

she still manages to see this good in things and make the outcome positive. I love my moms

capability to see the good in things no matter the situation. My dad he is a hard working and

selfless person, he is all about me and my brother. He makes sure we have everything that we

need before he puts himself first. He pushes us to do great and to succeed in life. I appreciate

myself because I have been my biggest supporter through it all. Throughout my life I have had

friends and family doubt my capabilities, but in the end I always came on top. I wipe my own

tears and pick myself back up when no one is there, I motivate myself in ways i don't think

anyone else will be able to. I've been through a lot and for how i'm going right now i think that

i'm doing way better than what anyone has ever expected of me because of my upbringing. I

have worked so hard to be the best can be and i think that i am good with it right now.

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