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GLOBAL WARMING: Global warming is what affects the temperature and the atmosphere of

the earth overheating it, causing climatic problems causing the poles to melt in Antarctica, we
affect it by our oil companies, (nuclear energy companies) the smoke that comes out the
steam affects the atmosphere of the earth creating that the ultraviolet rays of the sun finish
affecting it.


We can stop creating nuclear energy companies because that affects the pollution that is in
the air because of those problems also affects our atmosphere, we can avoid all these
problems in the future if we start to correct our mistakes from now on

-Avoid the factories that pollute our environment

-Avoid aerosols and cigarettes that only pollute our environment

-Create campaigns to avoid these problems


It is mainly due to the smoke that we release in various ways that is affecting our atmosphere

- The cutting of tropical forests (deforestation): trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and
thereby help regulate the climate.

- The combustion of coal, oil and gas produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.


Reduce emissions.

Save energy. Do not leave the TV and the computer never on standby.

Watch the appliances.

Change the light bulbs.

Avoid a lot of packaging.

The diet, better low in carbon.

It acts against the loss of forests.

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